Exterior of Jamrich Hall

Library and Instructional Support Advisory Committee

Committee Mission

The Library and Instructional Support Advisory Committee (LISAC) is charged by the Academic Senate to make recommendations regarding collections, policies, and services of LIS to support and foster teaching, research, and learning. Library and Instructional Support consists of the Lydia M. Olson Library, the Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), the Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, and the Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center

Lydia Olson Library 

Collects books, journals and other materials, provides access to numerous electronic databases, equips each academic department with a liaison librarian who assists with library instruction, collection development and library-related concerns.

Computing Helpdesk (IT) 

Provides students and faculty with information and support related to the computing environment at NMU

Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) 

Instructional Design and Technology provides access to instructional media, equipment, support services and works to improve the classroom environment. Within the IDT is The Center for Instructional Technology in Education (CITE) is a resource center where faculty can go to learn about, experiment with, and get advice and assistance with a variety of instructional technology tools. The CITE may be best known as the place to get assistance with NMU's online course management systems, NMU EduCat™. It is also a "faculty sandbox" for a variety of other hardware and software that can be used to enhance teaching and learning online and in classrooms.

Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives 

Manages university and historical materials relating to Northern Michigan University and the central Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Committee Charge

LISAC acts in a liaison capacity to represent the faculty by making recommendations and updates to the Academic Senate regarding LIS. The Committee solicits questions, suggestions, or concerns that faculty, staff, and students may have regarding the information, resources, and services provided by LIS. Furthermore, this committee will advocate for LIS to departments and the campus community. 


Operating Procedures


Article – I Authority and Purpose

1.1 The Library and Instructional Support Advisory Committee (LISAC) is a standing committee of the Academic Senate.

1.2 The LISAC shall function in an advisory capacity to the Academic Senate regarding matters of the faculty as related to the Library and Instructional Support’s role in the University. The charge as approved by the Academic Senate is to be responsible for making recommendations regarding information, resources, instructional and interpretative consulting services to support the teaching, research, and outreach missions of the university. Through the student representatives, the ASNMU shall have a viable part in the communication of matters of concern of the student body.

Article – II Membership

2.1 Ordinarily the LISAC shall be composed of the following membership.

2.1.1 One faculty member, if possible, from each college including the LIS division.

2.1.2 Dean of LIS as a non-voting, ex-officio member.

2.1.3 One faculty member from NMUFA as a voting, ex-officio member

2.1.4 One student as appointed by ASNMU, if available.

2.2 If a committee member is absent without an excuse for three or more meetings in any academic year, the Chairperson is authorized to seek an immediate replacement for that member.

Article – III Elections and Term of Office

3.1 Selected faculty representatives shall be appointed to the committee through the Committee on Elections and Committees (CEC) of the Senate. Each faculty member shall hold a three year term and be replaced at the end of a term. Student representatives shall be appointed for a one year term by the ASNMU.  Terms begin the week prior to classes in the fall unless there are extenuating circumstances.

3.2 The Chairperson shall be responsible for the communication with CEC regarding committee membership for the given academic year. Replacing an appointee whose term ends mid-year shall be the responsibility of the Chairperson.

3.3 The president of NMUFA designates the NMUFA member.

Article - IV Officers

4.1 During the last regularly scheduled meeting of the year, the Chairperson and Secretary for the next year will be voted on from the list of returning members. Exceptions to this are allowed with approval of the Senate Executive Committee.

4.2 If circumstances should be such that a replacement is necessary for the Chairperson during the year, then an election will take place from those members who have served at least one year to date.

4.3 The Chairperson shall preside at committee meetings, and shall be responsible for keeping a log of pending committee business. The Secretary shall be responsible for the recording and distributing minutes of meetings of the Committee.

Article – V Meeting Schedule

5.1 The LISAC shall meet once a month under normal circumstances.

5.2 An agenda shall be provided one week prior to a scheduled meeting.

5.3 Members not able to attend a meeting shall notify the Chairperson prior to the meeting.

5.4 Minutes shall be taken at each meeting and copies provided to the members prior to the next meeting. Minutes shall be approved with changes if necessary at the following meeting. An approved copy shall be posted to the committee website and a copy sent to the Academic Senate.

5.5 Membership attendance shall be recorded in the minutes by the Secretary.

Article – VI Rules and Procedures

6.1 Meetings shall be run by the Chairperson in an official and efficient manner in accordance with the operational procedures of the committee.

6.2 The meeting shall follow the agenda with any additions.

6.3 A quorum shall consist of five committee members.

6.4 Approval of a motion shall require a simple majority of those members present.

6.5 The Chairperson shall prepare and provide an end-of-the-year report to the Senate in accordance with the Senate’s schedule. Any other reporting to the Senate or action required of the Senate shall be the responsibility of the Chairperson. If the Chairperson is not a member of the Senate, then a current Senator may speak for the committee when necessary.

6.6 Changes to the operational procedures of the committee shall require approval of a majority of the quorum of the membership. The Senate will be notified of any changes.