Faculty Grants Committee 2024 - 2025

Name Email Department
Briana Bancroft BSARVELL@NMU.EDU Education, Leadership and Public Service
Eva Bergner ebergner@nmu.edu Nursing, School of
Suk Yin Caroline Cheng ccheng@nmu.edu Social Work
Alex Fekete afekete@nmu.edu Art and Design, School of
Christina Hartline chartline@nmu.edu Counseling and Consultation Services
Marguerite Moore mmoore@nmu.edu Health and Human Performance, School of
Evan Pratt  + evpratt@nmu.edu Chemistry
Josh Sharp jsharp@nmu.edu Biology
Cory Toegel  ++ ctoegel@nmu.edu Psychology
Robert Whalen rwhalen@nmu.edu English
Kristen White krwhite Health and Human Performance, School of
Emera Wilson * ebridger@nmu.edu Library and Instructional Support
* senator, + chair, ++ secretary