Allie Frorenza
Assistant Director of Admissions, Upper Peninsula -Transfer Specialist
Contact Information:
Iron Mountain, MI
Professional/Personal Biography:
I graduated from NMU in 2016 with my bachelor's degree in Business Management. I was an undeclared major all the way through my junior year, and even after I graduated I still didn't know "what I wanted to be when I grew up." I landed in the insurance world for a couple of years after graduation, and through that, realized that I had a passion for helping people. The opportunity then arose to return to NMU and join the admissions team, where I am able to help transfer students from the Upper Peninsula and across the country find their path to NMU. As a former transfer student to NMU myself, it has been so rewarding to work in this role and I feel lucky to be at such a great university.
Most Memorable College Experience:
Most of my favorite memories at NMU came from playing co-ed intramural sports in the Superior Dome with all of my friends and roommates. After games, we'd always head back to the dining hall for their "late night" menu, hang out there and talk and laugh until they kicked us out. It was the best break from all of the homework and studying stress, and we won a couple of championship t-shirts in the process!
Favorite Marquette Activity:
I truly love everything about Marquette, but Lake Superior is probably my favorite thing we have to offer. It's right in our backyard and walking distance from just about anywhere you are in Marquette. It offers the best sunsets, a place to hang out and relax while you read or watch the waves, and a cold dip to cool you off in the summer months. There's just something special about it and it never gets old!
Best Advice You Received Regarding College or Would Give someone Else Entering College:
My best advice as you enter college is to get involved! Join a club, or five! The best way to help with the transition of leaving home is to immerse yourself into college and all that it has to offer. The more you put yourself out there, the more people you'll meet, friends you'll make, and experiences you'll take with you. There is so much you can do - don't miss out!