What is a guest student?
A guest student is one who is regularly enrolled at, and eligible to return to, another college or university but who wishes to earn credit from NMU to transfer to their home institution. Guest students are eligible to enroll for any term at NMU, not just the summer.
Guest Student Admission Stipulations:
- Applicants may not register as degree candidates at NMU.
- Applicants must have the NMU courses they wish to take approved in advance by the registrar of their home institution.
- Applicants must understand that falsification of any part of a guest application may result in cancellation of admission or registration at NMU.
- Applicants must arrange to have any credit earned as guest students sent from NMU to their home institutions. NMU will not do this automatically.
- Applicants are limited to a maximum of two regular semesters or 32 credit hours and must submit a new guest application for the second semester.
Guest students may be able to receive financial aid from their home institution through a consortium agreement and should check with their financial aid office.

Application Instructions
Apply - Visit the Michigan Transfer Network website of your home institution to find a Guest Student Application or contact your home institution directly for their Guest Student Application. If your home institution no longer has a Guest Application hosted on the Michigan Transfer Network website or it is not found on your home institutions website, please use the following fillable .pdf Guest Application