College applications, ACT and SAT forms, financial aid forms... what do they have in common? You need to know various school codes in order for this information to reach your desired destination.

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FormNMU's code
NMU Title IV code (for the financial aid forms).002301
ACT code for Northern Michigan University2038
 SAT (College Board) code for Northern Michigan University1560

  • AA: Associate of Arts Degree.
  • ACT: American College Testing Program is an assessment used for undergraduate admission purposes.
  • ACAC-Academic and Career Advisement Center: University office responsible for new student orientation sessions, undeclared student advising, oversight of academic proficiency, all-campus tutoring, and the academic probation program.
  • AS: Associate of Science Degree.
  • AP-Advance Placement Credit: Credit awarded toward a degree as a result of scores received on national examinations (CLEP or AAP-CEEB) or by departmental recommendation.
  • APP-CEEB: A testing program conducted by participating high schools. NMU grants credits for specific courses based on satisfactory scores on the examinations.
  • ASNMU: The Associated Students of Northern Michigan University is the student body government for NMU. Contact the ASNMU office for more information at 906-227-2452.
  • CLEP Exam: (College Level Examination Program) Examination taken to receive advanced placement credit for a specific subject or course at a college or university. NMU considers college composition with essay, humanities, social sciences and history and natural sciences as freshman examinations. Credit earned through the freshman examinations may be applied toward the liberal studies program requirements only.
  • Course ID: The letters and numbers assigned to a course to distinguish it from another course. (Example: EN 111.)
  • Course Level: 000-099 and 999 remedial or developmental; 100-199 freshmen; 200-299 sophomores; 300-399 juniors; 400-499 seniors*; 500-999 graduate level. *Some 400-level courses are available to be taken for graduate level credit, see NMU Graduate Catalog for more information.
  • Course Numbering System: 000-099 no credit toward a baccalaureate degree; 100 freshmen; 200 sophomore; 300 junior; 400 senior; 500 graduate level, 600 education specialist, 999 professional development only-not available for degree credit.
  • Credit Hour: The value assigned each course depending upon the length of time it meets during a week. Generally, one credit is assigned for each 50-minute lecture hour per week in a 15 week semester.
  • Credit Load: The total number of credit hours for which a student is registered for during a specific semester.
  • Credit, Unit of:  Also called a semester hour. A unit of academic credit is the value assigned each course depending upon the length of time it meets during a week. Generally, one credit is assigned for each 50-minute lecture per week a course meets for a whole 15-week semester or the equivalent.
  • Cumulative GPA: All honor points earned divided by all credit hours taken from all colleges or universities attended.
  • Curriculum: A complete program of study which leads to a baccalaureate degree.
  • DOB: Date of Birth- NMU does not require your date of birth for admissions purposes. However, date of birth is often used to verify your student record and as a security measure for establishing your myNMU account (see description of myNMU below).
  • E-Bill:  E-mail billing statement issued and available for viewing at The website is available 24 hours a day for students to make payments via MasterCard, Visa, Discover or eCheck. Students can also create one or more stored payment methods, schedule a payment for a certain date or choose to have future bills paid automatically. E-mail: with questions.
  • E-mail User ID: Also known as the NMU user ID, a personalized, alphanumeric identification used for computer access or login purposes. This identifier can be up to eight characters in length and appears before "" in an e-mail address. If a student's e-mail address is, the NMU user ID is "jfrost." The NMU user ID allows students to access their personal information on NMU-based websites. The NMU user ID is maintained in the university's directory services and may be stored in other authentication systems. It can be changed to reflect name changes by contacting the NMU Help Desk at 906-227-2468. Go to if you do not know your NMU user ID.
  • EduCat: EduCat can be used to create entire online courses, or to simply publish materials that supplement existing courses. EduCat requires minimal technical expertise on the part of the developer of the course, and on the part of the student. EduCat is entirely web-based.
  • FAFSA: Students who wish to receive financial aid must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. A new FAFSA renewal sheet must be completed for each academic year. It can be filed online at
  • FERPA: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 protects the privacy of student records. It provides students the right to inspect and review their educational records, the right to seek to amend those records and the right to limit the disclosure of information in the records. In compliance with the act, Northern Michigan University will not release educational information about a student without the student's written permission.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA): A student's scholastic average computed by dividing total honor points (QPTS) by total credit hours (QHRS) attempted. Honor points for each course are determined by multiplying the honor points for the grade by the number of credits for the course.  Credit for courses in which S, U, I, X, AU or R has been awarded does not affect the grade point average.
  • Honor Points: Used in calculating the GPA - total honor points (QPTS=honor points) are divided by total credit hours (QHRS=credit hours) attempted. Honor point are given for NMU courses that are graded A-F.

Honor Point Values     

  • IB Credit: (Advanced placement via International Baccalaureate) Northern Michigan University recognizes the academic rigor of students participating in the International Baccalaureate (IB) curriculum at their high school. At NMU, credit is available in biology, history and psychology for students who score at least a "5" on the higher-level examinations in those areas. Other subject areas are reviewed by the appropriate academic departments. Students are encouraged to submit their official IB results to NMU as soon as they are available.
  • ID Card Number, Wildcat: (Wildcat Express Card) A Wildcat ID card number exists only for the life of the device or media in/on which it is stored. Typically, it could be stored in the magnetic stripe or barcode of a plastic ID badge, but it may exist in other devices or media, as well. If lost, expired or disposed of, it can be inactivated.
  • ID, User: (NMU e-mail user ID) A personalized, alphanumeric identification used for computer access or login purposes. This identifier can be up to eight characters in length and appears before "" in an e-mail address. If a student's e-mail address is, the NMU user ID is "jfrost." The NMU user ID allows students to access their personal information on NMU-based websites. The NMU user ID is maintained in the university's directory services and may be stored in other authentication systems. It can be changed to reflect name changes by contacting the NMU Help Desk at 906-227-2468. Go to if you do not know your NMU user ID.
  • IN, NMU: An eight-digit, computer-generated, numeric identification number that is unrelated to any other number that may identify the person, such as a Social Security number. It provides a one-to-one link to other attributes of a person's relationship with the university. It's a very good idea to memorize this number as soon as you can. To find  your NMU IN, check the Welcome to MyUser Web page.
  • MACRAO Agreement: (Michigan Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers) Students transferring to NMU from a Michigan community college who have the MACRAO stamp on their transcript have completed the foundations of communication requirement. The remainder of their credits will be reviewed for completion of the requirements of the other five divisions of the liberal studies program. NMU applies courses transferred under the MACRAO Agreement in accordance with guidelines established by its faculty. In some cases, courses used by the community college to meet the MACRAO Agreement may not be accepted by NMU
  • - Campus pipeline: A secure website that provides students, faculty and staff with Intranet and Internet services, including e-mail and course registration; and the ability to view grades, print unofficial transcripts and explore the Internet.
  • NMU Cumulative GPA: All quality (honor) points earned at NMU divided by all NMU quality (credit) hours.
  • NMU IN: An eight-digit, computer-generated, numeric identification number that is unrelated to any other number that may identify the person, such as a social security number. It provides a one-to-one link to other attributes of a person's relationship with the university. To find  your NMU IN, check the Welcome to MyUser Web page.
  • NMU User ID: (NMU e-mail user ID) A personalized, alphanumeric identification used for computer access or login purposes. This identifier can be up to eight characters in length and appears before "" in an e-mail address. If a student's e-mail address is, the NMU user ID is "jfrost." The NMU user ID allows students to access their personal information on NMU-based websites. The NMU user ID is maintained in the university's directory services and may be stored in other authentication systems. It can be changed to reflect name changes by contacting the NMU Help Desk at 906-227-2468. Go to if you do not know your NMU user ID.
  • PIN Number: Personal identification number used to access confidential student information, such as e-bill. PIN numbers are obtainable with a photo ID at the Student Service Center or at the Welcome to MyUser Web page.
  • SSN: Social Security Number- NMU does not use a student's Social Security Number as a student I.D. number, and providing the SSN is not required for admission to NMU. However, the Federal Financial Aid process (see FAFSA above) does require your SSN. When your FAFSA arrives at NMU from the Federal processors, if NMU does not have a SSN on file, or if the SSN is incorrect, the FAFSA information cannot be matched to your application and financial aid (grants, loans, or work-study funding) cannot be awarded.  The SSN is also required for student employment and Federal tax credits. At NMU we use great care and caution regarding the security of your SSN and in protecting your privacy. If you did not include your SSN on your application for admission, you may provide a copy of your Social Security Card to the Admissions Office via mail, fax or e-mail.
  • TLC Initiative: NMU's vision for education in the 21st century; a learning environment that embraces technology to enhance student access, promote the development of independent learners and encourage greater student-faculty communication and collaboration. NMU undergraduate students registered for a minimum of 12 credit hours are supplied with an ThinkPad notebook computer or MacBook (for art and design and theatre majors) with a standard set of applications, including Microsoft Office and convenient 24-hour access to the campus network, including the Internet.
  • Transcript Abbreviations: AHRS - attempted hours; the total number of credit hours for which a student is enrolled, including withdrawals and incompletes. EHRS - Earned Hours; the total number of credit hours a student successfully earned at the college level, including 'S' and 'P' graded courses. QHRS - Quality Hours; the total credit hours used in calculating the Northern Michigan grade point average.  QPTS = Quality Points, the total honor points used in calculating the Northern Michigan University grade point average.
  • User ID: (NMU e-mail User ID) An alphanumeric ID which is more personalized and is typically used for computer access or login purposes. This identifier can be up to eight characters in length. (Example:  It provides a one-to-one unique link to other attributes of ones relationship with the university. The NMU User ID is maintained in the university's directory services and may be stored in other authentication systems. The NMU User ID can be changed to reflect name changes by contacting the NMU Help Desk at 906-227-2468. Go to if you do not know your NMU User ID.
  • VPA-Visual and Performing Arts, Foundations of: A graduation requirement that all baccalaureate students must complete. Students select one visual and performing arts course for a minimum of three credits. Students completing these courses will be able to identify the forms of artistic expression (e.g., forms of music, dance, painting, sculpture, etc.) in relation to a historical and cultural context; they will also be able to recognize and articulate the reasons why these forms of artistic expression developed and evolved in the manner they did; further, students will be able to demonstrate and articulate an understanding of the principles behind the evolution of judgment and taste. Refer to the Liberal Studies Program and Graduation Requirements section of the NMU Undergraduate Catalog for additional information.