Olson Library Manual

Citizen Unpublished Materials

N = footnote citation
B = bibliography citation


N In a correspondence footnote citation include the author of the letter as well as the recipient, the date, the record creator, archives information, the series number, box/folder number, and the location number.

B In the bibliographic citation start your citation with the record creator, include archives information and the series number only.


1. Charles Kuralt to John D. Voelker, September 27,1971, Voelker Papers, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, MSS-39, 15/7, 1-4-4.

Voelker, John D., papers, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, MSS-39.


N Memorandum citations like correspondence citations must include the author of the memorandum and the recipient of the memorandum, the date, the record creator, the record title, archives information, series number, box/folder number, and the location number.

B The bibliographic citation should include the record creator, the record title, the archives information, and the series number only.


1. President Judith I. Bailey to Mrs. Darlene Pierce, October 10, 1999, Office of The President, General Subject Correspondence, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 0201-01, 2/3, 12-01-03.

Office of the President, Northern Michigan University, General Subject Correspondence, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 0201-01.

Reports and Studies:

N Title of the report or study in quotation marks, the date, the record creator, the record title, archives information, series number, box/folder number, and location number

B Record creator, record title, archives information, and series number only.


1. “North-Central Accreditation Self-Study Report,” 1994, Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration, General Subject Correspondence, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 0300-01, 40/2, 20-01-58.

Office of the Vice President for Finance and Administration, General Subject Correspondence, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 0300-01.


Title of photo in quotation marks, date, record creator, record title, archives information, series number, box/folder number, and location.

Record creator, record title, archives information, and series number only.


N 1. “Mens Basketball Playoffs,” 1974, Office of Communications and Marketing, Photographic Records, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 0501-10.

B Office of Communications and Marketing, Photographic Record, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 0501-10.

Oral Histories:

N Name of the interviewee first name first, Interviewed by…name of interviewer, date, record creator, record title, archives information, series number, box/folder number, and location number.

Record creator, record title, archives information, and series number only.


N 1. Carl Barnett, Interviewed by John Feeley, 1994, Northern Michigan University Northern Michigan University and Area Audio Collection, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 3302-01, 9/3, 18-03-12.

B Northern Michigan University, Northern Michigan University and Area Audio Collection, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, 3302-01.

State and Local Government Documents:

N The township, city, or county where the record was produced, the title of the record, the date of the specific record you are using, archives information, volume number of the book, and page number of the specific document you are citing.

B The township, city, or county where the record was produced, the title of the record, the date of the specific record you are using, and the archives information.


N 1. Marquette County, M.I., Naturalization Record, (1872), Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, Vol. 21, pg. 117.

B Marquette County, M.I., Naturalization Record. 1872. Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University.


N Institution the yearbook represents, the title of the yearbook, publishing information including year, archives information, page number, and location.

Institution the yearbook represents, the title of the yearbook, publishing information including year, archives information, and location.


N 1. Northern State Teachers College, Campuseer 1941 Yearbook, (Marquette, MI: Graduating Class of 1941, 1941), Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, pg. 68, Archives Reading Room.

B Northern State Teachers College. Campuseer 1941 Yearbook. Marquette MI: Graduating Class of 1941, 1941. Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, Archives Reading Room.

Index Cards:

Title of index cards, date, archives information, series number, drawer number, and location (archives reading room).

B Title of index cards, date, archives information, and series number only.


N 1. NMU Graduate Index Cards, 1900-1961, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, US-22, Drawer 5, Archives Reading Room.

B NMU Graduate Index Cards, 1900-1961, Central Upper Peninsula and Northern Michigan University Archives, Northern Michigan University, US-22.