The college’s advisory council assists the dean and the associate dean as representatives of the faculty. The committee does not limit its concerns merely to those referred to it by the dean or the associate dean, but by also addressing matters of interest to the college faculty, especially those concerns communicated to the members of the committee.

The current members are:

Member Department  Term Expires
Anna Zimmer, Chair
Associate Professor, Tenured
Languages, Literature, and International Studies 2025
Cory Toegel, Vice Chair
Assistant Professor, Not Tenured
Psychological Sciences2026
Brandon Canfield
Professor, Tenured
Tim Cleary
Associate Professor, Tenured
Art & Design2025
Hsin-Ling Hsieh
Professor, Tenured
Caroline Krzakowski
Associate Professor, Tenured
Diana Lafferty
Associate Professor, Tenured
Biology 2027
Jimmy Ludwig
Assistant Professor, Not Tenured
Theatre and Dance2026
Tim O'Neill
Associate Professor, Tenured


Access the Tenure and Promotion Application Checklist here.

Access the College of Arts and Sciences Advisory Council Bylaws here.