About this survey

Thanks for stopping by! NMU's recently formed AI Literacy Workgroup and its NMU Staff AI Literacy Program appreciate your help with developing opportunities for you to learn about emerging artificial intelligence technologies as they may pertain to your work.

This survey is anonymous and does not collect any personally identifiable information. All answers are optional.

Initiated by NMU's Academic Affairs in September of 2023, and following a campus-wide request for participation, an AI Work Group of 12 volunteers was formed, with the mission to 

... track and share the evolution of generative AI, suggest updates to our academic integrity policy, support faculty in ways to incorporate AI into the curriculum, and coordinate AI literacy programs for the campus community ...

With the beginning of the Winter Semester 2024, a sub-group dedicated to NMU's staff was tasked with developing instructional materials and workshops to facilitate addressing AI-related information needs and concerns across the entire NMU staff membership. This survey and a forthcoming workshop are our first steps towards fulfilling our part of the AI Work Group's mission.

How would you describe your general understanding of AI today?
Have you used or are you using any of the available AI technologies (ChatGPT, Perplexity, DALL.E, etc.) in connection with your work at NMU?
How aware are you of ethical or social concerns related to the use of AI?
How likely do you think it is that AI will have an impact on teaching, research, or administrative tasks within NMU?
How interested are you in learning more about AI and its applications?
How helpful do you think it would be for NMU to support staff members in developing AI literacy and skills relevant to their roles?