University Publications Overview

The Office of University Marketing and Communications is available to assist all university departments in producing professional quality, attractive and well written publications.

We can work with you on editorial style, copywriting, layout, typography, and photography. No charge is made for these services. Costs of publications requiring design and typesetting are paid by the requesting departments.

Publication Approvals, Consultations & Procedures

University Marketing and Communications is charged with ensuring that all publications intended solely or in part for an external audience comply with established graphic identity standards and editorial guidelines. All external publications—both print and electronic—must be reviewed by the publications director prior to distribution.

The publications director is available to consult with any department that is planning to produce an external publication.

Publication Approval

A university publication or official correspondence (funded by grant or a general fund) is defined as printed or electronic matter originated and produced by NMU faculty or staff (or students under the direction of faculty or staff) that is intended - either wholly or in part - for an external audience. It does not include:

  • Items produced by student organizations with funds generated by student fees.
  • Classroom support materials intended solely for students enrolled in a specific course.
  • Internal letters or memoranda.
  • Scholarly presentations
  • Other materials for internal use only.

University-sponsored publications must be designed to show Northern Michigan University as the primary provider. If the publication describes a school, department, division or program, that entity must be portrayed in the context of the university as a whole and keep with overall university goals and objectives.

All publications intended wholly or in part for an external audience must be approved by NMU's Publications Director or the Chief Marketing Officer prior to printing/transmission. Revision of prior publications may not require this action. The above description includes media advertising, which can also be approved by NMU's Marketing Director.

If you are uncertain whether your publication or brochure should be reviewed, contact University Marketing and Communications at

Publication Procedures

University Marketing and Communications should be used as a resource for planning, editing and designing departmental marketing collateral. UMC's design, copywriting and other expertise are available free-of-charge to internal departments, with the cost of advertising and printing being covered by the requesting department. Departments are also responsible for ensuring accuracy of content within drafted and final materials.

University Marketing and Communications or Printing Services may make modifications to your publication prior to printing to meet acceptable standards of design or readability.

  1. Consult with University Marketing and Communications prior to beginning your publication. Among other things, the objective and audience, format, budget, and design can be discussed, as well as the time schedule necessary to complete the work.
  2. Work with printing services to receive printing estimates or arrange for competitive bids.
  3. Provide a typed manuscript or draft layout for editing by the publications director or chief marketing officer. (If you do not do this prior to submitting your publication for printing and there are errors, Printing Services may contact University Marketing and Communications for pre-printing approval or editing, resulting in the delay of your publication.)
  4. If typesetting or layout work is contracted, you will approve the final project before printing. Printing Services or Broadcast and Audio Visual Services may consult with University Marketing and Communications at this point.
  5. Please provide University Marketing and Communications with a copy of the finished product.

Publication Style Guide

The Office of University Marketing and Communications is available to assist all university departments in producing professional quality, attractive and well written publications.

We can work with you on editorial style, copy writing, layout, typography, and photography. No charge is made for these services. Costs of publications requiring design and typesetting are paid by the requesting departments.

Whenever possible, printing should be done by NMU Printing Services. Cost estimates are provided prior to printing.

Depending on the complexity of your publication, or if you wish to do so, NMU may request bids from outside sources, which you may designate. The bid process is handled through Printing Services and the NMU Purchasing Department. The final decision on the printing job is determined by the requesting department.

Normally, the content of your publication is your responsibility. However, University Marketing and Communications may edit your submitted publication as needed for grammar and style according to standard publication guidelines.

NMU has staff and student graphic designers on staff for designing publications. Their is no cost for their services for internal departments.

  1. Consult with University Marketing and Communications prior to beginning your publication. Among other things, the objective and audience, format, and design can be discussed, as well as the time schedule and budget necessary to complete the work.
  2. Before you submit a draft for review by the publications director, double check the following items:
    • Signature: The Northern Michigan University signature should appear on a prominent position in your publication.
    • Names: Check the spelling of all people and place names. Even the most familiar name is not immune to misspelling.
    • Dates: Make sure that your dates and days correspond with each other.
    • Phone numbers: Verify that all phone numbers are correct.
    • Courses: The name, number and description of each course should correspond exactly as it appears in the University Bulletin.
    • Tuition: Check with Admissions to make sure the figures you are using are current.
  3. Provide a typed manuscript or draft layout for editing by the publications director. (If you do not do this prior to submitting your publication for printing and there are errors, Printing Services may contact University Marketing and Communications for pre-printing approval or editing, resulting in the delay of your publication.)
  4. If typesetting or layout work is contracted, you will approve the final project before printing. Printing Services may consult with University Marketing and Communications at this point.
  5. Please provide University Marketing and Communications with a copy of the finished product.

Printing Services is an extension of University Marketing and Communications. Located in the services building, their services include layout and design, typesetting, press work and bindery applications.

They can advise you on layout, design, type styles, ink colors, paper colors, and textures.

Two types of printing are available:

  • Quick Copy (photocopier): For small or simple jobs. Plan on three days turnaround time. Larger jobs such as books (200+) pages with binding may take three to five weeks.
    • Note: If your publication includes photographs or art with tint screens, DO NOT specify Quick Copy. The resulting quality is not acceptable for publications directed to off-campus audiences.
  • Contract Printing: For publications that contain photographs or require sharper reproduction, larger paper sizes, colored inks or longer runs. Examples include posters, flyers, brochures, newsletters, business cards, letterhead and envelopes. One to two weeks is the normal turnaround time for simple printing jobs.

Photographs and graphics may be reduced to 25 percent and enlarged up to 300 percent. When printing with black ink only, black and white photographs reproduce best; color photographs can be produced in black and white, but the results may not be satisfactory.

Computer graphics reproduce best when printed on a laser printer of at least 600 dots per inch (dpi). If you provide the original file(s), Printing Services can print out graphics at 600 dpi. Most laser printers on the market today have a resolution of no less than 600 dpi.

Bindings include saddle stitching, plastic spiral, velostrip and tape binding. The most common binding, saddle stitching, involves collating, folding, trimming and stapling along the fold (usually two staples). Booklets from 4" x 5" to 9" x 12" can be bound; 5 1/2 " x 8 1/2" are the most common sizes.

Note: Standard printing practices allow printers to deliver 10 percent over or under the ordered quantity. It is a good idea to order 10 percent more than the quantity you require.


Grad student on his computer

University Publications

Northern Magazine

Northern Magazine is the magazine for alumni and friends of Northern Michigan University and is published two times a year. It is designed to keep alumni and friends connected with NMU and their former classmates by providing news about NMU's faculty, programs and events and by highlighting the activities and accomplishments of NMU alumni.

Northern Today

Northern Today is the official news sources for Northern Michigan University. New stories are posted weekly. Prior to Northern Today, NMU distributed official news through Campus Connect (2016-2019) and the CAMPUS newsletter (prior to 2016).


Students working at the Northwind

Student Publications

The NorthWind

The NorthWind is Northern Michigan University's independent student newspaper.

Passages North

Passages North is an annual literary journal sponsored by Northern Michigan University and produced by faculty and students in the NMU English Department.

Conspectus Borealis