Intramural Sports at NMU
Intramural Sports are the most popular extracurricular activity on campus and is a great way to meet new people, reconnect with friends, continue playing the sports you have grown to love, or try a new activity you've never played before. NMU Rec Sports offers team and individual leagues in which participants compete for the coveted intramural champion t-shirt. You can organize your own team or utilize the free agent list in hopes of getting picked up by another team looking for more players.
You don’t have to be a great athlete to create lasting athletic memories and great times as a member of an NMU intramural team. Each semester NMU Recreational Sports accepts suggestions of sports of interest to NMU students, faculty and staff, and Marquette community members.
Registration will only be accepted for teams that sign up on IMLeagues.com. Each league/tournament registration deadline will be posted on IMLeagues. Team members must have a valid NMU recreation membership to be eligible to participate in scheduled activities. Day passes and punch cards are NOT accepted as a valid membership. Community recreation members must be at least 16 years of age.
- Log in to your IMLeagues account.
- Click on the "Northern Michigan University" link on the top left. This will direct you to our homepage on IMLeagues.
- Scroll down and the sports currently being offered will be displayed. Click on the sport you wish to join.
- Choose the league you wish to play in (CoRec, Men's, Women's, Open, Class A/B).
- Create a Team:
- Click create a team in the top right corner.
- Complete your team's registration and you are all set.
- Invite players to join your team.
- Click on your team page. On the left panel there is a "team options" button.
- Click on invite members; you will then be able to send invites by email or name (name can only be used if they have a current IMLeagues account).
- Invite away!
- Join a team:
- Accept an invitation from a team captain. Click on your name on the top right corner for a notification window. If you have a pending request, you can accept it.
- Following steps 1-4 above and then request to join a team that is looking for players.
- Join as a Free Agent:
- Following steps 1-4 above, then click on "Join as Free Agent" - If teams are looking for players, they may invite you.
- Contact the Rec Sports Office if you haven't found a team yet and would like to play.
Create an IMLeagues Account
- Go to IMLeagues.
- Create an account using your NMU.edu email address.
- Non-NMU affiliated should follow these instructions to create an account.
- Once you enter your information and create the account, you will be sent an activation email. Once activated, you should be automatically joined to NMU's network.
Want to stay on top of your team’s schedule, results, and roster? Want to stay up to date with all leagues/tournaments that we are offering? Download the IMLeagues app. Available on Android and iOS.
League Schedules
Once a team is created on IMLeagues, captains will be able to fill out their team’s scheduling preferences. There is no guarantee that your team will be scheduled for these games, however, NMU Rec Sports will do their best to schedule the majority of your games within those preferences. Once registration has closed, teams will be notified when the league schedule is published on IMLeagues.
Team Captains
Each team captain will be required to attend the mandatory captain’s meeting. All captain meeting dates are posted on IMLeagues. If captains are unable to attend their scheduled meeting, they may send a representative in their place. The Intramural Handbook, specific sport rules, policies, and procedures will be discussed at the captain's meeting.
Looking for a job? Apply to become an intramural official. Officials are provided quality hands-on experience on and off the court in areas developing skills in conflict resolution, team building, time management, communication, and leadership in a fun and exciting atmosphere with flexible hours. Visit our Student Employment page for a student application.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or concerns, please contact the Rec Sports Office (recsport@nmu.edu) or 906-227-2519). You may also visit us in the PEIF, Office 126, during business hours.