Men's Soccer Team

About the Team

The NMU Men's Club Soccer Team was organized in 2001 and started with 3-5 games a year.  Since then, the team has joined the Midwest Alliance Soccer Conference, Great Lakes Division.  They play at least 12 games a year with a chance of winning their division and competing at the regional tournament.

Dues: Yearly dues are $300 and pay for league/ tournament fees, equipment, jerseys, and travel and hotel costs. Members are also required to have a PEIF pass for the year.

Participants Must Supply: Soccer shoes and shin pads.

Travel: The team travels to games all over Wisconsin and Michigan.

Tryouts: We encourage anyone who is interested to tryout, although tryouts are competitive and there will be cuts.

Practice: Practices will be held 3-4 times per week, and game time will partially be based on practice attendance as well as skill level.

Isaac York


Coming Soon.


Sept. 7 HOME vs. UW Lacrosse at 2PM
Sept. 8 HOME vs. UW Platteville at 1PM
Sept. 14 HOME vs. UW Eau Claire at 5 PM
Sept. 15 HOME vs. UW Whitewater at 12PM
Sept. 21 HOME vs. UW Madison at 3PM 
Sept. 28 AWAY vs. MSOE at 4 PM
Sept. 29 AWAY vs. Marquette Univ at 1 PM
Oct. 6 HOME vs. Michigan Tech at 12 PM 
Oct. 12 AWAY vs. UW Stevens Point at 6:30 PM 
Oct. 13 AWAY vs. UW Milwaukee at 12 PM