Export Controls

For reasons of national security, foreign policy interests, and intellectual property protection, the U.S. regulates and controls sensitive technologies. When NMU researchers are engaged in international collaborations, sharing and developing products, goods, hardware, software, or materials, the work may be subject to US export control laws and regulations. NMU’s Office of Sponsored Programs oversees export control compliance, working in conjunction with university research investigators. OSP staff, along with the research investigator, conduct a thorough review of a research project’s scope and contract provisions to determine whether and how a particular research project is impacted by export control regulations. NOTE: Export Control laws apply to research and other activities regardless of the source of funding.


  • Timely communication with OSP (i.e., well in advance of commencing research) to determine whether their research is impacted by the controls or requirements contained in export regulations.
  • Consult OSP regarding a project’s proposed change of scope, staff, or collaborators in order to re-evaluate export control determination.

Northern Michigan University is a public institution of higher education that is committed to scientific endeavors and the open dissemination of research results. It is the individual and collective responsibility of all faculty, staff, and administrators to comply with export control laws and regulations.

If U.S. export control laws are violated, both the University and the individuals involved may be liable. Penalties for violating export control regulations can be severe and may include civil and criminal penalties.