Commerce Business Daily
Official daily publication listing proposed federal procurement actions, contract awards, sales of government property, and other procurement information greater than $25,000 in value.
Council of Michigan Foundations
Association of more than 400 foundations and corporations that award grants for charitable purposes.
Council on Foundations
A nonprofit membership association of grantmaking foundations and corporations.
Federal Register
Official daily publication for rules, proposed rules, and notices of federal agencies and organizations, as well as executive orders and other presidential documents.
Foundations & Corporate Sponsors
Direct links to foundation and corporate web sites through the Foundation Center.
Government Information Exchange
This web site is a compendium of links related to all things federal.
Grantsmanship Center
A resource for training and funding information directed toward the nonprofit sector.
NonProfit Gateway
A network of links to federal government information and services. Bookmark this one!
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has databases, funding records, full-text articles, and information from the US Patent Office, allowing users to locate descriptions and funding details on NIH funded projects.
Society of Research Administrators
A wealth of information and links. Bookmark this one!