If the financial aid applied to your bill is more than your charges for the semester, an overage will be issued to you. Keep in mind, if your overage consists of loans, it may be wise to consider reducing or canceling your loans

We begin issuing overages the Friday before the fall and winter semesters begin. 

In order to provide more flexible options for receiving refunds, NMU has partnered with BankMobile Disbursements to deliver financial aid and other school refunds to NMU students 




The new refund program will give you the following options for receiving refunds:

DEPOSIT TO AN EXISITING ACCOUNT – Money is transferred to an existing account the same business day BankMobile receives funds from your school.  Typically, it takes 1 – 2 business days for the receiving bank to credit the money to your account. 

DEPOSIT TO A BANKMOBILE VIBE ACCOUNT – If you open a BankMobile Vibe checking account (upon identity verification), money is deposited the same business day BankMobile receives funds from your school.

All students will be asked to select a refund delivery preference from the options listed above. Here’s what you need to do:


  1. Update your mailing address

BankMobile will mail a Personal Code to the current address you have on file with NMU. If you’re not sure that NMU has your current mailing address, log into mynmu.nmu.edu to update your address information.

  1. Look for your Personal Code

Your Personal Code will arrive in a bright green envelope that was mailed to you and by email from BankMobile. You may use any Personal Code assigned to you to select your refund preference.

  1. Select how you want your money delivered

Go to RefundSelection.com to enter your code to get started. Then simply select how you’d like to receive your money. If you select the BankMobile Vibe Checking Account as your refund choice, you will receive a temporary virtual Debit MasterCard® to use until your physical card arrives in the mail.


For more information, visit BankMobileDisbursements.com/refundchoices/