How much does it cost to live on campus?
Northern Michigan University offers a variety of housing options. Depending on where you live on campus, there are different rates. Most freshman and sophomore students are required to live in a residence hall, unless they meet the qualifications to live off-campus, in an apartment, or in married/family housing.
The due date to pay room and board in full is the same date that tuition is due. You may choose to pay in installments if you sign up for one of NMU's payment plans. Please refer to to find out about these payment options.
Residence Hall Rates 2024-2025
The Quad
Hunt Hall, Van Antwerp Hall, Magers Hall, and Meyland Hall
Shared Bedroom Suite
- Semester - $3,298
- Academic Year - $6,596
Shared Bedroom with Private Bathroom*
- Semester - $3,478
- Academic Year - $6,956
Single Shared Suite*
- Semester - $4,302
- Academic Year - $8,604
Single Bedroom with Private Bathroom*
- Semester - $4,767
- Academic Year - $9,534
Charges for Residence Hall Room Damages
At the beginning of each year, your residence hall staff will inventory your room and note all needed repairs. You and your roommate will have the opportunity to review this Room Inventory and add any damages or repairs your RA may have missed. After this inventory has been completed and checked by you and your roommate, you and your roommate will be held responsible for any and all damages other than what is noted on the inventory.
During the move-out process, the inventory will be checked by your resident adviser and the responsibility for any damages or missing items will be assessed against you, your roommate or both of you, depending on who takes responsibility for the damaged or missing items. If neither you nor your roommate takes responsibility, the charge is equally split between the two of you. The money collected as a result of these billings goes toward the repair/replacement (including labor cost) of the damaged or missing item(s).
*Limited availability
In addition to the above rates, students must also purchase a meal plan.
» View Meal Plans
There is an additional $300 non-refundable residence hall comprehensive fee ($150 per semester)
Apartment Rates 2024-2025
Single Student - Lincoln Complex*
Additional Information on Apartment Rates, Procedures, and Inclusions
Apartment Charges
- Student families pay per month
- Single students pay per semester
When you move into your apartment you will receive a packet of information that highlights information about your apartment area including who your community adviser is and an apartment inventory form. Take the time to look over your apartment to identify the condition of the apartment before you move in. When you move out the Housing and Residence Life staff will assess the condition of your apartment upon your departure and assess charges accordingly.
Apply for an Apartment
Contact the Housing & Residence Life Office by e-mail (, telephone (906-227-2874), or complete an application and send it and $125 advance payment to the Student Service Center (2201 C.B. Hedgcock, Marquette, MI 49855).
All utilities, including local telephone and cable TV service, are included in the rent. The tenant is responsible for providing a telephone.
The rent and the Comprehensive Student Family Fee, which covers costs associated with laundry and the wireless computer network access program, are due on the first of each month and can either be mailed or taken to the Student Services Center, 2201 C.B. Hedgcock.
Laundry Facilities
Washers and dryers are located in each building in the Norwood/Center complexes. In the Lincoln Avenue complex, the laundry equipment is in a separate laundry building.
Reservation/Application Cancelation
To cancel either a single student apartment application or reservation, a student should notify the Housing and Residence Life Office in writing (or e-mail us at If written notice of cancelation is received before the apartment is offered, the entire advance payment will be refunded. If the student cancels the reservation or application after an apartment is offered, the entire advance payment will be forfeited. The advance payment will be refunded if the university is unable to accommodate any of the student's apartment preferences.
Lease Termination
Generally stated, the tenant must provide the Housing and Residence Life Office with 30 days written notice of their intent to vacate the apartment and will be responsible for rent for 30 days from the date that notice is received. A $150 termination fee will be charged unless the tenant terminates the lease and vacates the apartment during periods specified in the lease. Specific information regarding lease termination is provided in the lease.
Payment Schedule
Students may either pay their apartment rent in one lump sum by the appropriate due date, which is the same as the tuition due date, or sign up for one of Northern Michigan University's payment options at:
The rent amounts on the schedule include the $125 advance payment, due with the student's application, which is applied to the total rent due and a non-refundable comprehensive single student apartment fee ($244/year; $122/semester).
Payment Information
Single student apartment rent will generally be billed in conjunction with the university's tuition and fee billing in July. Checks must be made payable to Northern Michigan University and should have the student's name and NMU student identification number (NMU IN) noted on the front of the check. Payments must be either sent or taken to the Student Service Center, 2201 C.B. Hedgcock, Northern Michigan University, 1401 Presque Isle Avenue, Marquette, MI 49855. Note that students who check in through the end of the first week of classes will be charged from the beginning of the semester. The semester rental rate will not be pro-rated until the beginning of the second week of classes. Prior approval by a staff member from the Student Service Center must be obtained if a payment will be delayed.
Since financial aid is not available before the payment is due, each student must pay the $125 advance payment with their personal funds. Financial aid will be applied first to any amount due for tuition and fees and any excess will be applied to apartment rent due and then any other financial obligations. Financial aid in excess of financial obligations will be returned to the student.
Rate Changes
If a student's apartment assignment changes so their rental rate also changes (e.g., from a two-person apartment to a single apartment or from one-bedroom to a two-bedroom apartment), the student should: 1) verify their account with the Housing and Residence Life Office to determine the prorated charges or credits resulting from the new rate (which will be applied to the student's account), and 2) if someone else is making the payment, notify that person of the change.
Moves between apartments and townhouses must be arranged and approved through the Housing and Residence Life Office. There is a transfer fee for each move.
The single student contract is for the entire academic year (both the fall and winter semesters), or from the time of arrival until the end of the winter semester unless the student terminates their enrollment or receives written approval from the Housing and Residence Life Office to terminate the contract. The procedures for applying to terminate the contract are available from the Housing and Residence Life Office. A student who does either of these and checks out properly, will be refunded the amount he or she has paid for rent in excess of rent due, plus any apartment damages and, if applicable, a $50 contract termination fee, and any other amount owed to NMU. Rent charges or credits will be calculated using the official date of the contract termination specified on the single student contract termination form. There is no rent credit for the last two weeks of the semester.
Married/Family Apartment Eligibility Requirements
The primary tenant must be either an undergraduate student enrolled in at least eight credit hours each semester or a graduate student enrolled in at least six credit hours each semester, be married or the parent of at least one child of whom they have full custody, and have either their spouse and/or child living with them at least 25 percent of the time.
*Additional $300 non-refundable comprehensive single student apartment fee ($150 per semester)
**Additional $50 per month non-refundable comprehensive student family fee due with rent
The summer storage daily rate is $4.50
Spalding Hall Rates 2024-2025
Single Room Shared Bathroom: $3,205 plus $855 meal plan per semester (Spalding/Spooner Meal Plan)
Single Private Suite: $3,654 plus $855 meal plan per semester (Spalding/Spooner Meal Plan)
Spooner Hall Rates 2024-2025
Spooner Single Room/Shared Bath - $3,205 plus $855 meal plan per semester (Spalding/Spooner Meal Plan)
Spooner Single Room/Private Bath - $3,654 plus $855 meal plan per semester (Spalding Meal/Spooner Meal Plan)
Spooner Double Occupancy Apartment - $3,679 plus $855 meal plan per semester (Spalding/Spooner Meal Plan)
Spooner Single Occupancy Apartment - $4,544 plus $855 meal plan per semester (Spalding/Spooner Meal Plan)
Summer Rates 2025
Billing information
The full term gets paid up front. Estimated monthly rates are included below.
If you are staying for more than 15 consecutive nights, you will qualify for a reduced monthly rate.
A prorated monthly rate will apply to the months of May and August and for those students staying more than 16 days, but less than 31.
Students who plan to stay for fewer than 15 days should contact Housing and Residence Life for more information regarding daily rates.
Housing dates for:
Summer session 1: 05/04/2025 - 06/30/2025
Summer session 2: 07/01/2025 - 08/22/2025