Art & Design
The School of Art & Design at Northern Michigan University offers unique opportunities for creative students, with 12 areas of discipline to explore. Students are engaged in creative problem-solving and independent production of art and design, aiming to become engaged professionals in their respective fields.
Discover many opportunities to perform, conduct, travel, teach, create, and collaborate. Enjoy unique experiences, tons of performance opportunities, and the personal attention of highly involved professors. Or get hands-on training for careers in management, marketing, production, or starting your own enterprise.
Theatre and Dance
Studying in the Department of Theatre and Dance provides opportunities to work in your field before graduation. You can perform on the Forest Roberts Theatre stage or in the Panowski Black Box Theatre, run a show as a stage manager, and learn the ins and outs of the business from professors who have worked professionally nationally and internationally in dance, musical theatre, and design.
Learn to combine your natural creativity and imagination with critical thinking and analytical skills—all while keeping pace with emerging technology. If your goal is to work in journalism, audio/video production, campaigning, photojournalism, editing, social media, etc., we can help make it a reality. You can also enter graduate school or many other professional fields equipped with vital skills learned in general communication studies.
Whether you want to become a writer, teacher, or expert multi-media communicator, majoring in English at NMU will open many doors to your future — ones you may not have even considered yet. In literature classes, you will be challenged to consider matters of broad human significance. In creative writing, exposition, and journalism classes you will develop your talents for expressing ideas and emotions.
To study history is to study the experiences, ideas, and motivations of past people around the world to obtain a better understanding of the nature of the human condition. The valuable skills you will develop by studying history at NMU, such as critical thinking, use of evidence, analyzing data, and understanding why events unfold as they do, are transferrable to many fields that are not immediately obvious. History graduates often find employment in law, business, finance, tech companies, politics, or other positions that require good communication and research skills.
Languages, Literatures and International Studies
As a welcoming community of international scholars, we provide a crucial component of NMU's undergraduate curriculum. Our courses and programs challenge students to cultivate global competencies in languages, literatures, and cultures. The knowledge and skills students gain with us prepare them for a variety of professions, and are complementary and invaluable to fields and careers students pursue across campus and around the world.
The study of philosophy answers questions about how we live by exploring art, literature, history, social science, mathematics, and natural science. The philosophy program at NMU helps you find your own answers while becoming articulate in speaking, writing, thinking, and reasoning. In the process, you will receive training in analytical thinking and problem-solving -- invaluable skills for any career.
Political Science & Public Administration
A political science major is an excellent choice if you’re interested in government, public policy, and international relations. The study of political science provides awareness and understanding of national and international political processes and motivates students to become active, competent citizens and employees. In our preparatory programs for careers in politics, public administration, international relations, law, public relations, and education, students are nurtured as talented and ethical leaders and educators.