How about that Quiz Bowl?!

We're kinda good at this.

The team finished 15th at the NAQT Intercollegiate Tournament (ICT) in April of 2021. This was our second trip to the national championship tournament (the first was in 2014).

No big deal.

Senior Jakob Lippert finished 2nd in the country in individual scoring at the NAQT Intercollegiate Tournament (ICT). Nice one, Jakob. 

A little Wildcat QB history.

Our A squad's record at the last two ACF Fall tournaments is 17-4 

The team has won 7 tournaments in the last 5 years 🏆

Membership on the team includes lots of travel opportunities 🚌💨 to play against universities in the Great Lakes region. Did someone say road trip?! 

Student mountain biking at sunset

What pairs well with Quiz Bowl at NMU? A nice mountain sunrise...and maybe some ways to extend your talents with these great opportunities ⬇️


The Freshman Fellowship Program at Northern Michigan University provides academically talented students with an enriched educational experience. The program provides an opportunity to understand and practice scholarship, work with a university professor, interact with other students and enhance overall intellectual curiosity … all while earning a cash stipend.

check it out


Maybe you're looking to share your love of Baja Racing and head up a student org, we have that. Or, how about building up your resume through one of our nationally recognized leadership programs? Check, that too. Fellows, scholars, honors, government and trips to India. We can't count the ways that we'd love to see you shine at NMU. 

Lead at NMU


The honors program at Northern Michigan University provides academically talented students with a four-year series of interdisciplinary and department-based courses designed to complement the student’s undergraduate degree, regardless of major field.

More about Honors

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