Danny LeBert

Assistant Professor

Contact Information:

Weston Hall 2007
Office Phone: (906) 227-2207

Visit the Lebert Lab Website


  • PhD, Cellular and Molecular Pathology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • MS, Biology, Northern Michigan University
  • BS, Biology, Northern Michigan University

Research Interests:

My laboratory is focused on better understanding why humans typically heal wounds by forming scars, while other species, like zebrafish, heal by complete regeneration of the wounded tissue. Specifically, what are the early events initiated by tissue damage that allow zebrafish to perform regeneration.


  • BI 207 – Human Anatomy and Physiology I
  • BI 208 – Human Anatomy and Physiology II
  • BI 218 – Intro to Cellular and Molecular Biology
  • BI 418 – Molecular Biology
  • BI 419 – Biology of Cancer
  • BI 518 – Gene Structure and Function


  • LeBert DC, Squirrell JM, Rindy J, Golenberg N, Frecentese G, Gibson A, Eliceieri KW, Huttenlocher AH. 2018. Damage-induced reactive oxygen species regulate vimentin and dynamic collagen-based projections to mediate wound repair. E-Life.

  • LeBert DC, Squirrell JM, Huttenlocher A, Eliceiri K. 2016. Second Harmonic Generation Microscopy in
    Zebrafish. The Zebrafish: Cellular and Developmental Biology 4th Edition.

  • LeBert DC, Squirrell JM, Rindy J, Broadbridge E, Lui Y, Zakrzewska A, Eliceiri KW, Meijer AH, Huttenlocher A. 2015. Matrix metalloproteinase 9 modulates collagen matrices and wound repair. Development.

  • LeBert DC, Huttenlocher A. 2014. Inflammation and wound repair. Seminars in Immunology.

  • Yoo SK, Freisinger CM, LeBert DC, Huttenlocher A. 2012. Early redox, Src family kinase, and calcium signaling integrate wound responses and tissue regeneration in zebrafish. Journal of Cell Biology, 2012.

Danny LeBert headshot