Biology Faculty

Robert Belton
Associate Professor 906-227-1582Office Location:
2107 Weston Hall
Advising: Physiology, Pre-Physical Therapy, General Biology
Research Interests: Developmental biology, cancer biology, intercellular communication

John G. Bruggink
Professor 906-227-2342Office Location:
2117 Weston Hall
Advising: Wildlife Biology, Ecology, Mammalogy & General Biology
Research Interests: Wildlife ecology and management, population ecology

Heng-Hsuan Chu
Associate Professor 906-227-2343Office Location:
2003 Weston Hall
Teaching: Introductory Biology, Plant Kingdom, Plant Physiology
Research Interests: Plant nutrition & abiotic stress, effects of mineral deficiencies and toxic metals on plants

Cory Elowe
Assistant Professor 906-227-2163Office Location:
2122 Weston Hall
Advising: Physiology, Anatomy, Ecology, General Biology
Research Interests: Environmental physiology, energetics, ornithology, flexible responses to environmental stress

Kurt Galbreath
Professor 906-227-1586Office Location:
2119 Weston Hall
Advising: Zoology, Parasitology, Evolutionary Biology
Research Interests: Historical biogeography of Holarctic mammals and their parasites, host-parasite co-evolution

Sylvain Giroud
Assistant Professor 906-227-2145Office Location:
2114 Weston Hall
Advising: Anatomy, Physiology
Research Interests: Ecological animal physiology, physiological responses to climate change

Brent Graves
Professor 906-227-1812Office Location:
3015 Weston Hall
Advising: General Biology, Ecology, Zoology
Research Interests: Behavioral ecology, life history evolution, herpetology

Jessica Juarez
Assistant Professor 906-227-2138Office Location:
2126 Weston Hall
Advising: Forensic Biology, Taphonomy
Research Interests: Aberrant bone formation, taphonomy of tissue decomposition

Diana Lafferty
Associate Professor 906-227-2227Office Location:
2011 Weston Hall
Advising: Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Ecology
Research Interests: Wildlife responses to global environmental change, large landscape conservation, human-wildlife conflict mitigation

Danny LeBert
Associate Professor 906-227-2207Office Location:
2007 Weston Hall
Advising: General Biology, Pre-Med, Pre-PA, Pre-PT/AT, careers in laboratory research, and graduate school
Research Interests: Role of early wound signaling in regulating wound healing outcome

Jill B. K. Leonard
Professor and Department Head 906-227-1619Office Location:
2001a Weston Hall
Advising: Fisheries & Wildlife Management, Marine Biology, Physiological Ecology
Research Interests: Fish biology, physiological ecology, migration

Alec R. Lindsay
Professor 906-227-1834Office Location:
2115 Weston Hall
Advising: Ecology, General Biology, Zoology
Research Interests: Conservation genetics, ornithology, animal behavior, evolution

Donna Maki
Professor 906-227-2443Office Location:
2013 Weston Hall
Advising: Botany, General Biology, Microbiology
Research Interests: Plant-microbe interactions and ecology, plant-microbe applications in agriculture

Liz Mandeville
Assistant Professor 906-227-2133Office Location:
2113 Weston Hall
Advising: Fish biology, Conservation genetics
Research Interests: Fisheries genetics and conservation biology

Hayden McKee-Zech
Assistant Professor 906-277-2148Office Location:
2124 Weston Hall
Advising: Forensic Biology, Ecology, Entomology, Forensic Biological Anthropology
Research Interests: Postmortem interval estimation (PMI), Decomposition Ecology, Prime Drivers of Decomposition, Intrinsic Factors, Toxicology, Entomology

Angela Mohrman
Instructor 906-227-2319Office Location:
2112 Weston Hall
Advising: Biology, cellular & molecular biology, and biomedical sciences
Research Interests: STEM education pedagogy

Kim O'Keefe
Assistant Professor 906-227-2157Office Location:
2015 Weston Hall
Advising: Ecology, General Biology, Botany
Research Interests: Plant ecophysiology, climate change biology, grassland ecology

Erich Ottem
Associate Professor 906-227-1072Office Location:
2109 Weston Hall
Advising: Neuroscience, Neurophysiology, Physiology, Cell and Molecular Biology
Research Interests: Maintenance of neuromuscular junctions and motorneuron dendritic morphology, physiological functioning of sexually dimorphic nuclei in the endocrine hypothalamus

Ahvi Potticary
Assistant Professor 906-227-2364Office Location:
2114 Weston Hall
Advising: evolutionary biology, behavioral ecology, zoology
Research Interests: ecology and evolution of behavior, natural history

Alan J. Rebertus
Professor 906-227-2351Office Location:
2005 Weston Hall
Advising: Ecology, General Biology, Botany
Research Interests: Ecology of endangered plant flora, roles of disturbances (fire, wind) and large mammals on community and landscape dynamics

Josh S. Sharp
Associate Professor 906-227-2380Office Location:
2111 Weston Hall
Advising: Microbiology, Medically-related Professional Fields, General Biology
Research Interests: Gene regulation in bacteria, medical microbiology, RNA degradation, regulators of bacterial virulence gene expression, toxin secretion systems

Roger (Mac) Strand
Professor 906-227-2365Office Location:
2121 Weston Hall
Advising: Invertebrate Zoology, Ecology, General Biology
Research Interests: Stream ecology, ecohydrology, aquatic invertebrate community ecology and bioenergetics, ecology of Lake Superior, Upper Peninsula stream conservation

Katherine C. Teeter
Associate Professor 906-227-1834Office Location:
2115 Weston Hall
Advising: Biology, Zoology, Genetics
Research Interests: Population and evolutionary genetics

James VanOrman
Instructor 906-227-2762Office Location:
2615 The Science Building
James coordinates laboratories for BI 100, BI 111, and BI 112, and teaches labs for Biology courses as needed.
Biology Staff

Ruth Abbott
Student Success Specialist 906-227-2294Office Location:
2613 The Science Building

Lauren Anargyros
Student Success Specialist 906-227-2381Office Location:
2203C Weston Hall

Jennifer Mital
Student Success Specialist 906-227-2524Office Location:
2814 The Science Building

Past Faculty
- Neil Cumberlidge
- Jennifer Jezylo
- John Rebers
- Jackie Bird
- Pat Brown
- Thomas Froiland
- Frank Verley
- Ronald Parejko
- Phil Doepke
- Lowell Neudeck
- Lew Peters
- William Robinson
- Martin Kopenski
- Don Snitgen
- Warren VanDeBerg
- Maynard Bowers
- Gordan Gill
Former Lab Technician
- Duane King
Former Secretaries
- Patricia Wagner
- Susie Piziali