Internship Process and Requirements
Students will follow the following process to receive credit for CH 499 Forensic Laboratory Internship (
1. Search for potential internship opportunities. Some options to start your search are listed below.
a. NMU resources for Internships:
b. Department Information:
i. Both paid and unpaid internships are acceptable.
ii. We expect 40 contract hours per credit hour earned, similar to a lab course in the department.
c. Michigan Crime Lab Internships
i. Go to:
ii. Search for "Student Internship"
2. If you find internships that you are interested in, contact the Forensic Biochemistry Program Director or Chemistry Department to verify that the
internship agency and experience are acceptable. In general, the Chemistry Department needs to know the following information.
a. The contact information for the internship supervisor.
b. The approximate number of hours per week the student will be interning.
c. The length of the internship.
d. A brief description of the project the intern will work on.
3. After receiving feedback, apply to all acceptable positions.
4. Once accepted, notify the Forensic Biochemistry Director or Chemistry Department to complete the required NMU paperwork. We will need to know
the following information:
a. Your name
b. You NMU IN
c. The name of the agency or company where you will intern
d. The name, email address, and phone number of your internship supervisor
e. Whether the internship will be paid or unpaid
f. State how many credit hours you wish to earn. Note that each credit requires 40 hours dedicated to the internship.
5. The Forensic Biochemistry Program Director or Chemistry Department will email you and your supervisor the forms needed to register for CH 499. Be
proactive in helping ensure you and your supervisor complete and return the paperwork promptly. Students must be registered for CH 499 before
working any hours for the internship, and tuition must be paid to earn credit for CH 499. The required forms include:
a. Northern Michigan University Work Experience Affiliation Agreement for Unpaid OR Paid Experience. This form is only required if the new
internship agency still needs to complete this form.
b. Northern Michigan University Work Experience Learning Agreement
c. Northern Michigan University Approval for Directed Study (the Registrar will need this form to enroll you in CH 499)
6. At the end of the internship period, contact the Forensic Biochemistry Program Director or Chemistry Department to complete the internship
assignments. These include:
a. A 30- to 40-minute presentation. You will work with the Chemistry Department to plan a date to give the presentation to NMU faculty and
b. A three- to four-page reflection paper. This will be submitted to the Forensic Biochemistry Program Director on the same date as your
7. The Forensic Biochemistry Program Director or Chemistry Department will email you and your supervisor the internship evaluation forms.
a. Work Experience Students Evaluation Template
b. Work Experience Supervisor Evaluation Template
8. As best practice, consider thanking your internship supervisor for their time and the opportunity.