Student working at Radio X

Real Life Experiences - Real Life Benefits

Internships are an excellent way to enhance your in-class learning with hands-on, experiential learning with a company or organization that relates directly to your career goals.

While the NMU Career Services Office does not award academic credit for internships earned (you need to work with your academic department in order to earn credit towards your degree), the center does post internship opportunities with companies, government agencies and non-profit organizations.

To begin your search, log into MyNMU and click on Handshake.  Once you find an internship, contact your academic department to explore the possibility of earning academic credit.  

If you have any questions regarding the internship-related services provided by Career Services, contact

Department Internship Requirements

Links of Interest

  • Ann Arbor SPARK Internship Resume Database - A platform that connects talented college and university students to opportunities with the area's leading innovative companies. 
  • Cool Works - Find a seasonal job or career in some of the greatest places on Earth.
  • Inroads - A non-profit organization whose mission is to develop and place ethnically diverse youths in business and industry and prepare them for corporate and community leadership.
  • - A full-service job bulletin board service that provides information about current internship opportunities.
  • Internship Programs - Provides you with information about internships and includes a searchable database of current openings.
  • LinkedIn - Locate internships through LinkedIn .
  • The Public Relations Student Society of America - A searchable database of internship positions and permits you to post a resume. (You must be a member of PRSSA to access current internships. Non-members may still access a wide variety of career information, but cannot obtain information about current internships nor post a resume to the site.)
  • STEAM Ahead - A statewide program that aims to foster meaningful, hands-on career experiences for students interested in STEAM-related positions. 
  • The Student Conservation Association - Through partnership arrangements with state and Federal agencies (such as the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, etc.), as well as other natural resource management organizations, the Student Conservation Association (SCA) provides current students and recent graduates with professional-level experience in a wide variety of career fields. Enjoy an expense-paid internship (some with additional stipends and benefits) with SCA.
  • The Washington Center for Internships - Washington D.C.-based educational institution that promotes experiential educational opportunities in and around the Washington area. Paid and unpaid opportunities plus a limited number of competitive scholarships are available to NMU students wishing to take part in the NMU/Washington Center Internship Program.
  • Washington Internship Institute - The Institute for Experiential Learning is a non-profit organization that promotes internship opportunities. The IEL provides a searchable database for current internship opportunities.
  • The Way Factory - Internship Guide - a comprehensive guide that comprises all aspects around an internship: Why are they important, how to behave, how to find one, and how to conclude it properly. 

Title IX:

Northern Michigan University is committed to providing a learning, living and working environment free from discrimination. NMU supports the Title IX* federal law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex, including: gender based discrimination, pregnancy and parenting discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual assault, stalking, dating violence, domestic violence, voyeurism, and any other conduct of a sexual nature that is nonconsensual.

Title IX covers any area where an NMU student is assigned for placement (e.g. student teaching) and/or participates in an internship arranged or initiated by the University, during their term at NMU. 

The University cares about you.  If you believe you are experiencing or experienced sex discrimination, in a university or non-university sponsored placement and/or internship, please report.  The University has resources and support information available for you.

To report, please contact:

Complaints against employees, applicants, and third parties
Janet Koski
Director of Equal Opportunity
Equal Opportunity Officer and Title IX Coordinator
105 Cohodas Building

Complaints against students
Mary Brundage
Associate Dean of Students
Deputy Title IX Coordinator
2001 Hedgcock

Public Safety and Police Services
158 Services Building

* Title IX of the Education Amendments Act of 1972 is a federal law that states: "No person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance."