Alumni Mentor Program

What is a mentee?

Students or alumni looking to make a valuable connection with a successful NMU alumni

Who are mentors?

Successful alumni seeking to help guide students and alumni to pursue a fulfilling life and career. If you are interested in being an alumni mentor, fill out this form here

How does it work? 

Students and alumni apply to join the pilot of the new Alumni Mentor Program, a partnership between Career Services and Alumni Relations at NMU.  After a short interview, a committee of alumni finds a successful alumni with similar goals, interests, or major willing to be your mentor for typically 6 months to 1 year.  Your mentor will help you plan your next steps while making valuable connections to professionals working in your field of interest.

More information 


Connecting with Alumni

Wildcats Connect is bringing alumni and students together to enhance their personal and professional success.  You can get help from alumni in the following categories: 

Specific Industry Q&A/Knowledge Share - ask questions regarding an industry, field or special topic area in which you are interested

Mock Interviews - participate in mock interviews - in person, by phone or virtual

Resume & Cover Letter Review - get advice on resume and cover letter development

Welcome Wagon - ask questions about the city/region where you are interested

Grad School Prep Assistance - receive advice on navigating the graduate school process

Money Management Life Skill Share - get help on such topics as setting up a personal budget, managing monthly living expenses, paying down debt, planning for larger purchases, and preparing for retirement, while also living a little

If you are interested in getting help from alumni on these topics, please contact Career Services at or  (906) 227-2800.

This program is a partnership between the NMU Alumni Association and Career Services. 

Questions? Contact Us

Before using any of the online resources we have linked, please be sure to read our guidelines for keeping yourself safe online.

Reputation Management

Along with keeping yourself safe online, also make sure that your online reputation is protected by checking out

Looking for job search engines?

Whether you're looking for something related to your major, or just a job search engine in general, view our helpful links list

Looking for a summer job?

View our summer job opportunities page. 

View our Summer Internship Guide

Looking for a job with the government?

View of Federal Government jobs page.


LinkedIn Jobs

LinkedIn Jobs allows you to search for jobs and internships by company, job title, and location. 

LinkedIn ProFinder

LinkedIn ProFinder: A marketplace that helps to connect entrepreneurs and freelancers with real business projects

Practice Reasoning is a free resource to help job seekers improve their performance at employer reasoning tests. Visit the link to find out more. 

Velvet Jobs Career Paths

Velvet Jobs Career Paths is the only company guide that will show you where your career might take you if you work for a particular company and how to get there.

Online MBA Programs

Online MBA Review - An online MBA program resource which also provides yearly online MBA program rankings.

University Headquarters

University Headquarters (UniversityHQ) is a resource for finding information on potential salaries, helping you find the right career, and more! Our goal is to help students navigate through the higher education process, as well as helping alumni find their dream job! 

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