Alumni Mentor Program

Who better to advise on getting the most out of your NMU degree than someone who has already successfully done it?

Mentorship and connections to professionals in your area of interest are huge predictors of future success. Start by using the Wildcats Connect group on The Hub to ask for advice from hundreds of alumni ready to help you. Apply for the Alumni Mentor Program to build a long relationship with an alum to get continued advice and guidance. 

Here are some tips for posting a good "ask" on Wildcats Connect

  • Be clear about what kind of help you are looking for
  • Provide some background as to why you need it
  • Share your appreciation for their help and consideration

Example "asks"

Hi! My name is [first, last] and I’m a public relations student here at NMU. I am looking to explore the various industry paths of a public relations career (i.e. hospitality, healthcare, fashion, B2B, etc.) I’d also love to hear pros and cons of internal PR vs working for a firm. I’d greatly appreciate your time if this is your area of expertise!

Hello! My name is [first, last] and I am a biology student at NMU. I am interested in research opportunities in the Midwest with a focus on fishery. Any leads would be greatly appreciated!

Hi! My name is [first, last] and I am graduating in December of 2024 with a degree in economics (focused on public health). Many of the careers I’ve been exploring seem to require a master’s degree for any types of advancement. I’d love to discuss with those in the industry on why you chose to attend grad school or why not…and the impact it has had on your career. Thank you in advance!


About the longer mentor relationships

Who can be a mentee?

 Students (all class standings and majors) or alumni looking to make a valuable connection with a successful NMU alumni

Who are mentors?

Successful alumni seeking to help guide students and alumni to pursue a fulfilling life and career. If you are interested in being an alumni mentor, fill out this form here

How does it work?

Students and alumni apply to join the Alumni Mentor Program, a partnership between Career Services and Alumni Relations at NMU.  After a short interview of a potential mentee, a committee of alumni finds a successful alum with similar goals, interests, and/or major, willing to be your mentor. The mentorship lasts as long as it is helpful. It can last just one meeting or up to a year or more. Your mentor will help you plan your next steps while making valuable connections to professionals and possibly other opportunities working in your field of interest.

What is it like to be mentored?

A video training will prepare you for getting the most out of your alumni mentorship. After an introductory email to your mentor, you’ll take the lead in contacting them to arrange a time to meet virtually over Zoom, Google Meet, on the phone, or whatever works for the two of you. Have a virtual coffee and get to know each other then discuss goals for the mentorship.

Example Emails to Mentors

Things you’ll want to bring up:

  1. Who you are

  2. Why are you excited to meet them

  3. Thank them for offering to be your mentor

  4. Ask if you can give them a call to arrange your first meeting (it is often easier to do over the phone than over multiple emails)

Hello <Mentor’s Name>,

I am excited to meet and get to know you, and I thank you for offering some time to give me guidance in my career. Would you mind if I gave you a call to arrange our first meeting?

Read more about the success of the Pilot Mentoring Program:

"Mentor has been very helpful and willing to help in any way we can. Overall, I think he has a great attitude towards the program, and I would like to continue speaking with him in the future."

"I have identified potential working opportunities with the help of the mentorship program. "

"The mentorship program has helped me by directing my career goals, which has probably saved me many months and maybe even years in the job searching process."