Do you run a non-profit organization? Could you use help paying wages for student employees? 

The Off-Campus Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program enables students to earn their FWS funds (the government subsidizes a portion of the student's employment wages) while working in approved off-campus non-profit organizations. The non-profit organization serves as the employer of the student and pays 100% of the student's wages. However, the organization is reimbursed by Northern Michigan University for 75% of the student's gross wages on a monthly basis. The result is the organization pays just 25% of the student's wages, or $0.25 for every $1.00 paid. 

This program is available for the fall and winter semesters only. For more information regarding this program, please click here

To see if there is availability and if you are eligible to participate in the Off-Campus Federal Work-Study Program, contact Career Services at (906) 227-2800 or

Documents for Participating Organizations: 

*In addition to the above documents, we will also need a copy of your insurance certificate (showing that NMU is listed as additional insured). 

Please email completed documents to Or mail them to: 
Career Services
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle Ave.
Marquette, MI  49855