Inside this Issue:

Visiting Writers Program
Carmen Maria Machado
April 11 | 7:30 p.m. | Jamrich 1233
Carmen Maria Machado’s debut short story collection, Her Body and Other Parties, was a finalist for the National Book Award, the Kirkus Prize, LA Times Book Prize, Art Seidenbaum Award for First Fiction, the World Fantasy Award, the Dylan Thomas Prize, and the PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize for Debut Fiction, and the winner of the Bard Fiction Prize, the Lambda Literary Award for Lesbian Fiction, the Shirley Jackson Award, and the National Book Critics Circle'sJohn Leonard Prize. In 2018, the New York Times listed Her Body and Other Parties as a member of "The New Vanguard," one of "15 remarkable books by women that are shaping the way we read and write fiction in the 21st century." Her essays, fiction, and criticism have appeared in the New Yorker, the New York Times, Granta, Tin House, VQR, McSweeney's, Quarterly Concern, The Believer, Guernica, Best American Science Fiction & Fantasy, and elsewhere. She holds an MFA from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop and has been awarded fellowships and residencies from the Michener-Copernicus Foundation, the Elizabeth George Foundation, the CINTAS Foundation, Yaddo, Hedgebrook, and the Millay Colony for the Arts. She is the Writer in Residence at the University of Pennsylvania and lives in Philadelphia with her wife.
Fall Specialty Courses
EN 260 Popular Culture: True Crime
Instructor: Dr. Sandra Burr
MW 3-4:40pm
Prerequisite: EN 111 with a grade of "C" or better, HON 101, or EN 109 with a grade of "B" or better.
True Crime is one of today’s hottest nonfiction literary and film genres. From films, TV, and podcasts to biographies, exposés, and graphic novels, Americans can’t get enough of reading, watching, listening to, and talking about murder, mayhem, and all things twisted. Why are we so fascinated with crime? How does our fascination with it shift as we experience it in different media forms? How do forensic science and psychology help us make sense of humanity’s dark sides? How do we understand major crime and pay attention to the feelings of victims and their families, friends, and communities?
Join us in Fall 2019 to explore these questions and more! Prospective material includes documentaries such as Mommy Dead and Dearest (2017), Derf Backderf’s graphic novel My Friend Dahmer (2012), Dave Cullen’s Columbine (2009), Deborah Blum’s The Poisoner’s Handbook: Murder and the Birth of Forensic Medicine in Jazz Age New York (2011), and True Crime podcasts. Guest experts on criminal justice, psychology, forensics, and other relevant topics will be invited to share their knowledge and perspectives with the class. Hope to see you there!
EN 317: Native American Drama, Short Stories, and Nonfiction
Instructor: Dr. Amy Hamilton
TR 11am-12:40pm
Fulfills: Social Responsibility in a Diverse World (GenEd Component) and World Cultures (Graduation Requirement)
This course examines nonfiction, short stories, and drama written by contemporary Indigenous American authors. We will approach these texts through careful close reading as well as through historical, social, and cultural contexts. What elements can we trace through the different genres? In what ways do these genres allow authors to explore particular themes and meanings in different ways? How do the particular historical and cultural contexts surrounding a text impact how we understand the text? This course will challenge you to read carefully, think critically, and write persuasively about some truly wonderful texts.
EN 322: Restoration/18th Century British Literature
Instructor: Dr. Russ Prather
TR 4-5:40pm
The “long” eighteenth century in Britain and France was an age of reason and optimism, scientific advancement, imperialist ambition, and satiric wit. It also saw radical, sometimes violent, upheavals in politics and culture, including the industrial revolution, the American and French Revolutions and, toward the end of the century, a “Romantic” revolution.
Authors of the age include:
- Aphra Behn (Oroonoke, or The Royal Slave)
- Isaac Newton (Opticks)
- Daniel Defor (Robinson Crusoe)
- Jonathan Swift (Gulliver’s Travels)
- Alexander Pope (The Rape of the Lock)
- Eliza Haywood (Fantomina; or, Love in a Maze)
- Jean-Jacques Rousseau (Confessions)
- British Romantic poets including William Blake, Anna Letitia Barbauld, Charlotte Smith, William Wordsworth and Samuel Taylor Coleridge
EN 415/EN 515: English Grammar and Usage
Instructor: Dr. David Boe
MW 4-5:40pm
This course provides a comprehensive overview of modern Standard English grammar and
usage. We will begin with a brief survey of the historical development of the English language, with reference made to the evolution of prescriptive and descriptive approaches to the study of linguistic structure. We will then work our way through English grammar in a hierarchical manner, beginning with lexical categories, followed by phrase structure and clause structure, with related discussion of sentence types, nominal/adjectival/adverbial modification, and finally, punctuation. This is a required “core” course for our TESOL Certification Program, and can also be used as an M.A. Pedagogy Course. Qualified undergraduates (junior/senior status) are welcome to enroll, and no background in linguistics is necessary.
EN 420: Shakespeare’s Unruly Women
Instructor: Dr. David Wood
MW 11am-12:40pm
Welcome to the witty, passionate, and dangerous world of William Shakespeare. This course is designed to give you a thorough overview of his dramatic output, and will stress the tension between the ways in which his plays can be read historically, in their time and place, and “for all time,” as fellow playwright Ben Jonson famously noted. We will pay close attention to the various concepts of human identity that Shakespeare inherited, as a man living in that most politically, theologically, and economically volatile of periods, the Renaissance, and the ways in which his plays draw on these concepts in order to transform representations of human identity anew. In addition, we will discuss the ways that his characters meet their shifting circumstances with close attention to how power— frequently manifested as issues involving race, class, gender, and ability— circumscribes both their behaviors and their emotions. Shakespeare’s exploration of the uneasy category of the feminine, for example, led him to create a broad range of remarkable characters: from the arch viragoes, Katherine (the Taming of the Shrew), Tamora, (Queen of the Goths) (Titus Andronicus), and Lady Macbeth (Macbeth) to the fanciful unruliness and immense wit of Portia (The Merchant of Venice), Juliet (Romeo and Juliet), and Viola (Twelfth Night); from the hyper-sexual diva that is Cleopatra (Antony and Cleopatra) to the surprisingly saucy Miranda (The Tempest): this class has it all. Participants in this course should be prepared, therefore, for some challenging, but altogether fascinating, reading. The course relies on your completion of a considerable amount of reading, numerous writing assignments (both in- and out-of-class), the attentive viewing and spirited discussion of film segments, a small-group presentation, two short papers, and the completion of a long paper. What you can expect to gain in this course will be a familiarity with the work of the finest writer in the English language (or at least the one who casts the longest shadow worldwide) in a variety of his chosen dramatic genres. Having signed up for this course, please note that you will be expected to engage the texts we encounter in a spirit of honest inquiry and to show up for class both prepared and on time.
EN 495, Special Topics: Literature and the Visual Arts
Instructor: Dr. Russ Prather
TR 12-1:40pm
This course investigates the relationship between literature and visual art—the word and the image—from cultural, historical, theoretical and practical perspectives. The first half of the course considers how images and words function (or might not function) as vehicles of representation, followed by a selective historical account of how literature and painting have been regarded in the west—from Plato to post-modernism. The second half explores contemporary intersections of visual art and literature, including vernacular or “outsider” art, artists’ books, ekphrastic texts, concrete poetry, graphic novels, contemporary art and multimedia texts, and more! The course combines critical analysis and creative practice. Accordingly, students select two of three major assignments: a research-based presentation, an argument-driven paper, or a creative work that somehow combines image and text.
Questions? Contact Russ Prather at
EN 595/495: Digital Humanities
Instructor: Dr. Robert Whalen MW 3-4:40pm
Digital culture has led to a renewed interest in the forms and even the very nature of textuality. Are digital texts to be conceived primarily as approximations of physical books, or does the advent of the digital mark a decisive break with the textual past? If the latter, how are we to imagine and maintain connection with a cultural heritage whose content was shaped by a mode of production that seems to be passing away?
This course is an introduction to a foundational discipline of the digital humanities that is also a practical response to these important questions. Students will learn the fundamentals of text encoding and principles of textual scholarship by digitizing a variety of texts in accordance with the guidelines of the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI), the gold standard for the creation and preservation of platform-independent digital texts.
Though including some lecture, classes will consist mostly of hands-on workshops in which students learn how to build XML files according to TEI semantics; discuss possible approaches to the encoding of texts whose most salient features are not immediately obvious or which are otherwise problematic; and reflect on the ways in which the TEI in its current form might insufficiently account for some instances of textuality. Students will develop their own projects in consultation with the professor. There will also be opportunity to work with him on his own longterm project, a scholarly edition of seventeenth-century writer George Herbert.
EN350 Information
EN 350 Methods and Materials in Teaching English Education
Instructor: Dr. Kia Jane Richmond
MW 6-7:40pm
This course is only offered in the fall term each year; therefore, if you are planning to student teach in Winter 2020 or Fall 2020, you must take this course in the Fall 2019 term.
In order to register for this course, please complete the following form and send to Dr. Richmond. (
EN350 Form
Name |
IN number |
Phone |
Major |
Minor |
Have you been accepted to methods |
YES or NO? |
Have you already taken any of these courses? (for informational purposes only) |
EN 304? |
When are you planning to student teach? |
WINTER 2020 or FALL 2020? |
If you have a choice in where you are placed for student teaching, how would you rank the following options? (1 in first choice, 2 is second choice, etc.) |
___ Marquette County |
Summer Schedule
Session 1: May 20 - June 29
110-50 |
50067 |
WEB: Good Books |
Richmond, K |
111-50 |
50012 |
WEB: College Composition |
Frank, M |
112-50 |
50086 |
WEB: Mythology |
Whalen, R |
125-50 |
50025 |
WEB: Intro to Film |
Hummell, A |
211-50 |
50154 |
WEB: College Comp II |
Hamilton, A |
211-52 |
50259 |
WEB: College Comp II |
Singh, J |
311Z-50 |
50013 |
WEB: World Lit: Israel |
Brahm, G |
410-50 505-50 |
50204 50205 |
WEB: Genres of Writ: Micros: Fiction & Nonfiction Shorts |
May, R |
462-50 462R-50 |
50088 50127 |
WEB: Young Adult Lit (cross-listed ED 462) Research credit |
White, Kristen (ED) |
Faculty Accomplishments
Monica McFawn
Monica McFawn’s comedy sketch, “Baby’s Carbon Footprint” was accepted into the Mary Scruggs Works by Women Festival at Second City (Chicago). Her sketch will be performed March 23rd at 7:30pm as part of First Look, a showcase for “top tier” debut comedy sketches.
Monica McFawn’s story “Snippet and the Rainbow Bridge” appears in the newly-released anthology “The Slow Release: Stories about Death from the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction” (University of Georgia Press).
Kia Jane Richmond
Kia Jane Richmond’s latest publication (coauthored with Elsie Lindy Olan), “Using Literacy Quadrants in Preparing Teachers of Writing: Reflective Tools for Identity, Agency, and Dialogue,” appears in the Winter-Spring 2019 issue of Teaching/Writing: The Journal of Writing Teacher Education.
She also has a review article (forthcoming in English Journal) about Rob Rozema’s book Seeing the Spectrum: Teaching English Language Arts to Adolescents with Autism.
Russell Thorburn
Russell Thorburn, a contingent professor, has the following forthcoming and current publications: The Jukebox Was the Jury of Their Love, a book of rock poems in collaboration with Rodney Torreson of Grand Rapids, to be published early fall by
Finishing Line Press. I Just Wanna Testify: Detroit Rock Poems, Michigan State
University Press (“Woodward Avenue on the Bus Downtown the Bus Driver Turns Around to Say”) to be published early fall. Undocumented: Great Lakes Poets Laureate on Social Justices, MSU Press (“I Return to the Surface of the Earth Wearing My Miner’s Helmet with Its Third Eye”). Visiting Bob: Poems Inspired by the Life and Work of Bob Dylan, New Rivers Press (“Robbie Roberston Sipping a Bitter Coffee While Bob Dylan Types His Next Song”). He will be reading from these works in the Detroit area
March 21-23.
Patricia Killelea
Dr. Patricia Killelea has published her second collection of poems, Counterglow (Urban Farmhouse Press, 2019). Borrowing its title from astronomy, the“counterglow” is a faint light in the night sky that appears directly opposite the sun. Made up of interplanetary dust, this glow is difficult to detect unless one observes from a place without light. Killelea’s lyric poems speak from this darkness as she seeks a language of redemption— some kind of brightness to cling to, however faint.
Outstanding Student Awards
Congratulations to the winners of the Outstanding Graduating Student Awards in English for the 2018-19 academic year!
Outstanding Graduating MFA Student: Krys Belc
Krys Malcolm Belc is an MFA student in the English department graduating in May 2019. He is Managing Editor of Passages North. Krys’s essays have been published in Granta, Black Warrior Review, Tin House Online, Brevity, and in other publications. His chapbook of flash essays, In Transit, was published by The Cupboard Pamphlet in 2018. Krys won the 2018 Redivider Beacon Street Prize in nonfiction and the 2018 Pigeon Pages flash prose prize. In 2017 Krys was awarded a Sustainable Arts Foundation grant to support artists with young children. Before coming to Northern, Krys was a Philadelphia public school teacher. He holds an M.Ed in Special Education from Arcadia Univesity and a BA in African-American Studies from Swarthmore College.
MFA Nominee: Alex Clark
Outstanding Graduating MA Student: Shannon Konoske
Shannon Konoske is a Masters in English candidate with a writing emphasis. Her cross-genre work is inspired largely by her place of origin-Oregon, and the West/ Northwest. Much of her writing focuses on transience and ultimately the relationships between place and identity. She defines "home" by the scent of rain-saturated gravel, long drives on a two-lane highway, fir forested hills, and a Sunday country radio countdown, all of which are reflected alongside family and rural or working-class lifestyles in both her poetry and prose. Shannon plans to pursue a PhD in English literature and a career teaching at the university level. Ultimately, she hopes to eventually settle somewhere amongst the rugged and forested terrain of her beloved Northwest.
MA Nominees: Bill Nyfeler and Indigo Villanueva
Outstanding Graduating English Senior: Lilith Kontos
Lilith Kontos is an English major and a theatre and entertainment arts minor graduating in May of 2019. She is the recipient of the 2015 Houston Writing Award and the 2018 Legler Memorial Poetry Prize, as well as the Karla Bester English Scholarship. Throughout her time at Northern, she has been an active member of Alpha Psi Omega, the national theatre honors society, and has volunteered numerous times through Superior Edge. Currently, Lilith is the president of the Student Performing Arts Association and the manager of the Forest Roberts Theatre Box Office, where she has worked since her sophomore year as the social media coordinator and editor. She also worked as an editing intern for Passages North during the fall of 2018.
Senior Nominees: Hattie Foley, Allison Luciano, Hannah Rushton, Kelsii Kyto, Ian McGhee and Ethan Bott
Secondary Education Award Winners
Ian McGhee (English Education major, Political Science Education minor) was selected to receive the Secondary English Education Award for Winter 2019. He is currently student teaching at Lisle High School in Lisle, Illinois.
Allison Luciano (English Education major, History Education minor) was selected to receive the overall Secondary Education Student Teaching Award for Winter 2019 (representing excellence in student teaching in grades 6-12). She is currently student teaching at Gwendolyn Brooks Middle School in Oak Park, Illinois.
Contact Us
If you have any ideas to improve the newsletter or want to submit news, events, or an accomplishment to EDEN, email us at:
English Department
Northern Michigan University
1401 Presque Isle Ave
Marquette, MI 49855
Phone: 906 –227-2711
Fax: 906-227-1096
Location: JXJ 3200
Business Hours: 8 a.m.—5 p.m.
Other Publications
The Ore Ink Review - NMU's Official Undergraduate Literary Journal.
The North Wind – Northern’s independent student newspaper, which publishes every Thursday during the fall and spring semesters.
Passages North – The annual literary journal sponsored by Northern Michigan University. This publication has published short fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction since 1979.