Making Northern Michigan University a safe place to live, learn, work and play is a part of the mission of the NMU Safety Department. A large part of NMU's safety effort is educating faculty and staff about the safety measures that Northern Michigan University is held accountable for. The NMU Safety Department provides workplace safety training to give employees the knowledge and skills to recognize safety hazards, understand safe practices and expectations, prevent injuries, and protect equipment.
NMU consults with the Consultation Education and Training (CET) division of Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MIOSHA) as well as the Environment, Great Lakes and Energy (EGLE).
It is the policy of Northern Michigan University to promote safe living and working through an effective safety program in all phases of our operation: Education, research, student service, public service and employee and community relations.

Fire Safety
Know these general fire alarm procedures:
- When a fire alarm sounds, all personnel must evacuate the building immediately.
- When evacuating, personnel must move away from the exit doors.
- With the exception of fire department personnel and Public Safety officers, no one is allowed to re-enter the building until notification has been given by a representative of NMU’s Police Department.
- If the fire alarm is silenced, this is not an indicator that it is safe to re-enter the building.
- NMU Police Department has the responsibility to determine that the building has been evacuated and when it is safe to re-enter. The officers will coordinate with maintenance, custodial and fire department personnel, as required.

Environmental Safety
Northern Michigan University has a hazardous materials management plan that complies with the Federal Hazard Communication Standards, as well as with Michigan's Right to Know Law. It covers acquisition, storage and transportation of hazardous materials, health assessment related to contact and exposure to hazardous materials and disposal of hazardous waste.
All universities have some hazardous materials on campus, so educating the students, faculty and staff about proper hazardous materials procedures is an important element. NMU faculty and staff are required to participate in periodic training opportunities regarding this topic.
NMU's Safety Department oversees Northern's annual hazardous materials reports and coordinates semi-annual disposal of these materials.

Occupational Safety
Occupational Safety and health is a multidisciplinary field concerned with the safety, health, and welfare of people at work.
Controlling exposures to occupational hazards is the fundamental method of protecting workers. Traditionally, a hierarchy of controls is used as a means of determining how to implement feasible and effective control solutions.

Find our extensive safety policies, dealing with everything from automated external defibrillators to employee safety training to student equipment, as well as required forms to report incidents and request Personal Protection Equipment.
The NMU Police Department encourages you to take a few minutes to run through the list and check out those that apply to you now. Policies, like ordinances, are put in place to keep Northern Michigan University a safe place to live, learn, work, visit and play. NMU Police Department is diligent about enforcing them for that reason.
In case of any emergency call or text 911 immediately.