Safety Policies
If you think Northern Michigan University’s safety policies don't have a big impact on your NMU experience, think again. Your health and safety are the very motivation for these policies.
For instance, if you are a student, you may be taking a science laboratory course to meet your natural sciences liberal studies requirements. If you are, there are at least 10 university safety policies that oversee safety in labs on campus.
We know you won’t read all of the university policies, but NMU Police Department encourages you to take a few minutes to run through the list and check out those that apply to you now. By doing so, you’ll also have an understanding of the areas the policies cover, so that if you need to learn more about those topics later, you’ll know where to go to get the information.
Policies, like ordinances, are put in place to keep Northern Michigan University a safe place to live, learn, work, visit and play. NMU Police Department is diligent about enforcing them for that reason.