Curriculum Development and Instructional Improvement Grant Program

NMU recognizes that curriculum development and instructional improvement are ongoing activities in all academic departments on campus. It is the hope of every department that internal resources will be adequate to support these development and improvement efforts, including the purchase of equipment or educational supplies that are routinely processed through administrative channels. Unfortunately reality dictates that major development and some instructional improvement efforts cannot always be accomplished with available department resources. There may be a need for additional funds to cover the cost of faculty release time or summer support for faculty travel, training and materials.

Requests for funding will be accepted in the following categories:

  1. Curriculum Development Grants are intended to support efforts at the departmental or inter-departmental level and focus on modifications, advancements or improvements in the curriculum. Proposals must clearly demonstrate how the proposed work exceeds those curriculum development activities normally expected from an academic unit to adequately justify additional funding.
  2. Instructional Improvement Grants are intended to support projects that offer one or more faculty members the opportunity to improve their instructional skills, implement new teaching methodologies, or develop innovative materials. Course development for international courses are included in this category.

DEADLINE: 3/31/25; MAX AWARD: $2,400 - exclusive of absorbed release time


Application instructions graphic

SAMPLE PROPOSALS *Note that the guidelines may have changed since these proposals were awarded

Eligibility graphic

All full-time faculty on term, continuing, tenure track, and tenured appointments are eligible. Although individual faculty members initiate the proposal, they will require endorsements as detailed in the guidelines. 

Submission instructions graphic

Applicants must now complete their application through the Cayuse platform. The Office of Sponsored Programs is hosting regular trainings on how to submit proposals via the Cayuse platform. Training dates/times are listed on our Events page.

Grant recipients must file a Final Project Report by June 30 of the year following the year the award was received. All funds must be encumbered on or before the end of the one-year award period.


If a PI would like to request a No-Cost Extension, this No-Cost Extension form must be submitted at least 15-calendar days prior to the end of the project period.

The Faculty Grants Committee will review the proposals, rank them, and report to the Senate. The Senate will forward its recommendations to the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. While it is understood that the objectives of the grant categories vary, each proposal submitted will be reviewed and ranked by the Faculty Grants Committee in terms of the project's overall merit. The Committee will recommend only meritorious proposals for funding, and will make budget recommendations. The evaluation rubric used by the Faculty Grants Committee can be viewed here. Each proposal will be rated independently on the following criteria:

  • Each proposal will be reviewed as to the methods of the project, the appropriateness of the budget, and the probability of attaining its specified objectives.
  • Each proposal will be reviewed as to the innovative nature of the proposed objective and/or the impact the outcome will have on curriculum development or instructional improvement.
  • Proposals that are rated unacceptable with regard to either criterion by a majority of the committee will not be ranked.
  • Voting Policy:  Each proposal must be read and evaluated by a minimum of five (5) voting members of the Faculty Grants Committee. In the event that less than five committee members are available for grant assessment, alternate committee members will be called upon to fill in. Committee members who have a grant under consideration will be excluded from any deliberations. Alternates will take the place of these members. Ex officio committee members may contribute to discussions, but will not take part in the actual ranking of proposals.

Past Awards



Curriculum Development


Name: Jongeun You

Department: Political Science

Title: Developing Environmental Management Course on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula


Name: Timothy Compton

Department: Languages, Literature, and International Studies

Title: Modified Oral Proficiency Interview Training


Instructional Improvement


Name: Lau Romero

Department: Languages, Literature, and International Studies

Title: Making Spanish 101 a Textbook-Free Course




Curriculum Deveolpment


Name: Megan Nelson

Department: Health and Human Performance

Title: Improving Coursework in Sport and Excercise Science


Instructional Improvement





Curriculum Deveolpment


Name: Yan Ciupak

Department: Sociology and Anthropology

Title: Training and Material Development for NMU Grief Support Curriculum


Instructional Improvement


Name: Vincent Jeevar

Department: Psychological Science

Title: Untitled




Curriculum Development



Instructional Improvement





Curriculum Development


Name:  Jim Marquardson

Department:  College of Business

Title: Establishment of Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense Governance Model and Initial Curriculum Modifications


Instructional Improvement


Name: Kristen Smith

Department: School of Nursing

Title: Expanding Simulation in the Women's & Children's Nursing Courses




Curriculum Development


Name:  Eugene Wickenheiser

Department:  Chemistry

Title: Extraction Theory and Practice


Instructional Improvement


Name: Elizabeth Monske

Department: Department of English

Title: Revision on EN 509




Curriculum Development


Name: Caroline Krzakowski

Department: English

Title: Introduction to Digital Humanities


Instructional Improvement





Curriculum Development


Name:  Daniel Rowe

Department: Mathematics and Computer Science

Title: Quantitative Literacy: Making Math Real


Instructional Improvement


Name: Carol Bell

Department: Mathematics and Computer Science

Title: Understanding proof and justification in Geometry




Curriculum Development


Name:  Amy Barnsley

Department: Mathematics and Computer Science

Title: Online Beginning Algebra: Quality Matters for All Students


Instructional Improvement


Name: Terry Delpier

Department: School of Nursing

Title: Poverty Simulation: An Interprofessional Experience




Curriculum Development


Name:  Amy Barnsley

Department:  Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Title: Online Intermediate Algebra: Because Quality Matters


Instructional Improvement


Name: Dwight Brady

Department: Communication and Performance Studies

Title: Using video to enhance the instruction of media production hardware and software




Curriculum Development


Name:  Christie Edge

Department:  School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service

Title: Paving The New Pathway: Creating a Clinical Partnership for the Preparation of Secondary Education Teachers


Instructional Improvement


Name: Alec Lindsay

Department: Biology

Title: Comparing Learning Outcomes of a “Blended-Learning” Teaching Strategy with an Online-Enhanced “Standard Lecture” Teaching Strategy




Curriculum Development


Name:  Joanie Cowell

Department:  School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service

Title: A revision of the Graduate Learning Disabilities Program: Turning a Chevy into a Cadillac.


Instructional Improvement


Name: Robert Goodrich

Department: History

Title: Development of a Historical Role-Playing Game using the “Reacting to the Past” Model. The Last Years of the Republic, Germany 1930-1933




Curriculum Development



Instructional Improvement





Curriculum Development


Name:  Jaspal K. Singh

Department:  Department of English

Title: Gender and Sikh Religious Identity in Indian Literature


Instructional Improvement


Name: Carol S. Steinhaus

Department: College of Business

Title: Improving Ability to Teach Intercultural Communication in the College of Business




Curriculum Development


Name: Joseph M. Lubig

Department:  School of Education, Leadership and Public Service

Title: Elementary Education Curriculum Map Proposal


Instructional Improvement


Name: Terry Delpier & Kristi Burdick

Department: School of Nursing

Title: Pediatric Simulation Computer Program: PALS SimBaby Scenarios


Name: Derek Anderson

Department: School of Education, Leadership and Public Service

Title: NVivo 8 Workshop


Name: Rebecca Ulland

Department: Modern Languages and Literature

Title:  Women Writers of Argentina




Curriculum Development


Name: Carol Bell

Department: Department of Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Title: Redesign of the Master of Science in Mathematics Education Degree Program


Instructional Improvement


Name: Carol Bell

Department: Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Title: Understanding Algebraic Concepts in Middle School Mathematics


Name: David Buhl

Department: Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Title: Integrating Mathematics Software and Podcasting


Name: Claudia Orr

Department: College of Business

Title: Improving Communication Effectiveness in Managerial Communications with the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator




Curriculum Development



Instructional Improvement


Name: Susan Goodrich

Department: Modern Languages and Literature

Title: “Women of Spain: Literary and Historical Figures:” Site Investigation




Curriculum Development


Name: Joseph Lubig

Department: School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service

Title: A Collaborative Reading Curriculum: Bridging the Gap between Teaching Certification Requirements and the High School Reading Curriculum


Name: Jaspal Singh

Department: English

Title: Fundamentalism and Secularism is Contemporary Indian Literature


Name: Sandra Poindexter

Department: College of Business

Title: Study, Evaluate, and Model Alternative Ways to Teach information Technology


Instructional Improvement


Name: John Smolens

Department: Department of English

Project Title: Exploratory Trip for a CLEA to Italy


Name: Carol Sotiropoulos

Department of Modern Languages and Literature

Title: Incorporating Austrian Studies into GR 310, German Culture and Civilization


Name: Mare Jane Tremethick & Eileen Smit

Department: School of Health and Human Performance

Title: Spanish Immersion Program


Name: Cate Terwilliger

Department: English

Title: First Amendment



Curriculum Development




Instructional Improvement


Name: Charles Ganzert and Dwight Brady

Department: Communication and Media Studies

Title: Advanced Training In Audio & Video Production Software


Name: Terry Delpier & Lisa Flood

Department: School of Nursing

Title: Nursing Simulation: Emergency Equipment



Curriculum Development

Name: Joseph Lubig & Kenneth King

Department: School of Education, Leadership, and Public Service

Title: Elementary Education Curriculum Map


Instructional Improvement





Curriculum Development

Name: Roxin Zhang

Department: Mathematics and Computer Sciences

Title: Redesign of the Prediction Equations in NMU Math Placement Recommendation System


Instructional Improvement

Name: Mary Jane Tremethick

Department: School of Health and Human Performance

Title: Exploring Health Care in China