Excellence in Education Research Program Guidelines

The Excellence in Education Program, which provides a $1,500 award, was established to support graduate student research in the summer. The awards are intended to assist graduate students in the conduct of scholarly research and creative works that will enhance their academic experience and professional growth. Recipients of this grant will also receive a one-credit tuition stipend to enroll in a course directly related to their research (e.g., Special Topics, Directed Studies, Thesis) during one of the two summer sessions.

The scholarly work listed in the application for this award must take place between May 10 and August 25 of the year the Excellence in Education Award is received.

Excellence in Education funds are disbursed with overage checks at the beginning of the summer semester each year.

*Outstanding charges on a student account can impact the payout of the award. For information on funding payments, contact the Student Service Center at ssc@nmu.edu


NOTE: The criteria and formatting requirements have been modified since the above proposals were written. They are still helpful, but be sure to follow the instructions on this page for what to include and how.


Applicants must:

  1. Have regular status in a graduate degree program with an NMU graduate cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
  2. Be enrolled in at least one course related to their area of research during one of the two summer sessions.
  3. Have support from a faculty sponsor and the student’s department head (the sponsor must provide a letter of support; the department head must approve the student's application).

Students who receive an Excellence in Education award but fail to complete a course related to their project at NMU must forfeit the award and pay back any monies received. Students may only receive the Excellence in Education award two times over the course of their graduate program. When a student has received the Excellence in Education award twice, they are no longer eligible for it.

NOTE: Students receiving the NMU Dependent Child Tuition waiver during the summer semester are not eligible for the Excellence in Education award.

2024 Deadlines

  • Winter 2025 Deadline TBD | Submit Application (See Application Procedure Below)
  • February: Department Head submits student rankings
  • Mid-March: Review by Graduate Programs Committee (GPC)
  • Late March: Award notification (depending on the GPC meeting schedule, award notifications may be made slightly earlier or later)
  • End of May: Deadline for student to be registered for a summer session course relating to their research. One credit of graduate-level tuition is provided in the Excellence in Education Award. If the student is not enrolled in at least a one-credit course relating to their research by this date, their Excellence in Education funds will be rescinded.
  • Oct 15: Student submits final report to: 1) their Department Head and, 2) Graduate Studies and Research (graduate@nmu.edu)

Fundable Activities

  1. Activities that the student, faculty sponsor, and department head define as scholarly or creative work will be considered by the review committee.
  2. To be considered for funding, activities must result in a tangible product.
  3. Awards provide funds for supplies, materials, travel, living expenses, or other activities directly associated with the conduct of the proposed project.
  4. In addition to the funding available for the conduct of research, requests will be considered for the support of student travel to scholarly meetings at which the applicant will be presenting a paper or creative exhibit. If the paper/exhibit has been accepted for presentation prior to the submission deadline for the Excellence in Education Program, evidence of acceptance (e.g., acceptance letter, conference program, etc.) must accompany the proposal. Proposals for which proof of acceptance has not yet been obtained will be considered for funding, but evidence of acceptance must be submitted prior to disbursement of funds. This travel to a scholarly meeting must take place between May 10 and August 25 of the year the Excellence in Education Award is received.

Non-fundable Activities

  1. Activities that constitute part of one’s position of regular employment.
  2. Attendance at a conference without presentation of the student’s work.
  3. Payment for services rendered to a third party.

Application Procedure

Submission Procedure

Excellence in Education applications (see Application Components below) will be submitted using the Cayuse electronic system. Step-by-step instructions for submitting can be found in How to Submit a Proposal for Student Awards in Cayuse.

After applications are submitted, department heads will be contacted to evaluate the proposals and rate them as excellent, very good, good, or fair. Departments with more than one applicant will also be asked to rank the applications.

Application Components

Please use the Excellence in Education Checklist to be sure that you have included all necessary items.

  1. A project abstract of no more than 250 words, and the course name and number the student plans to enroll in during one of the summer sessions.
  2. A double-spaced narrative (4 pages minimum, 6 pages maximum* in Times New Roman, 12 point font) which includes the following:
    1. A statement of the problem, project objectives, and significance
    2. A brief discussion of the project rationale and a literature review
    3. The project plan that includes a timetable with expected outcomes (e.g., paper, presentation, or creative work)
  3. Statement of resource availability (e.g., supplies, equipment, staff) where applicable.
  4. Budget Form - (NOTE: The budget is not included in the 6-page limit). A detailed budget and budget justification that clearly justify the requested funds, indicating how monies will be used to support the research project should be submitted using the linked form, saved as a PDF.  NOTE: The cost of supplies that must be purchased by the university for your project will be billed to your student account. The full amount of the Excellence in Education award will be transferred to the student's account.


  1. A curriculum vitae of the student, indicating qualifications for conducting the project.
  2. A copy of the most recent student transcript (unofficial transcripts are fine).
  3. Letter of support from the faculty sponsor or advisor.
  4. If applicable, copy of the Final Report from a previously funded Excellence in Education application.
  5. If applicable, appropriate documentation for human or animal research (see below).
  • Note: references, budget form, and appendices do not count toward the 6-page limit.

Any applicant who proposes to use human subjects (e.g., clinical or survey work) must have applied for or received approval from NMU’s Institutional Review Board (IRB) prior to submitting an Excellence in Education application.  See the Institutional Review Board (IRB) page for information and application procedures.

Any applicant who proposes a project involving the use of animals must have applied for or received approval of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) prior to submitting an Excellence in Education application. See the IACUC page for information and application procedures.

To be considered for funding, applicants requiring the above approvals must include in their Excellence in Education application a copy of their Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval memo or Animal Care (IACUC) first page of Right Signature protocol approval, or they must attach a confirmation of application from the IRB or IACUC.

Evaluation Procedures

Proposals will be received by the Graduate Programs Committee (a committee appointed sub-committee) which will then review the proposals based upon criteria in the EIE Evaluation Rubric.

The members of the review committee will rank all proposals and forward their recommendations for funding to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research, who will make the awards.

Final Report

A Final Project Report must be submitted to the students' department and the College Graduate Studies and Research (grants@nmu.edu) by October 15th after completion of the project.  Grantees who fail to submit a Final Report will not be eligible for future Excellence in Education Research Award funding.

The Final Project Report should include the following information:

  • Name of award recipient
  • Period of support
  • Project Objective(s): How were they addressed during the award period?
  • Project Actual Outcomes: How did these outcomes compare to the Project Expected Outcomes discussed in the original Excellence in Education application?
  • Detail of the actual budget expenditures.

Excellence in Education Student Awards


Kristian Choate - Rapid Extraction Free Detection of IDH1-R132H/C Single Nucleotide Variants using Peptide Nucleic Acid-Locked Nucleic Acid Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification in Glioma

Katelyn DeWitt - Landscape patterns and gene flow in ram's head lady slipper (Cypripediumarietinum) at Grand Sable Dunes in Alger County, MI

Mackenzie Grover - The Mongolian Remodeling and the Structure of Host-Parasite Diversity Across Central Asia

Paul Haduck -  The Diversity of Midges in a Small Northwoods Stream

Katherine Hoehne - Environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding: Analysis of freshwater macroinvertebrate community structure and diversity

Jack Horton - Investigating the Role of msBDNF - TrkB Signaling in the Maintenance of Mitochondrial Populations Through the BNIP3 Mitophagy Pathway

Andrea Hynes - Estimating Wolf Pup Survival Rates in the Greater Voyageurs Ecosystem

Rylee Jensen - What drives gut microbial diversity and community structure among closely-related host species?

Mandy Joslyn - The Effects of Human Decomposition on the Soil Microbiome

Joshua Mutchler - Evaluating survival of surrogate fish species using multiple incubators: Continuing efforts towards reintroducing Arctic Grayling (Thymallus arcticus) into Michigan Streams

Duncan Muter - Biocontrols for Hemp Impacted by Botrytis cinerea and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum

Alexis Pupo - Embryonic and Larval Development of Dispersal Mechanisms in Burbot (Lota lota)

Hilary Rinsland - Prevalence and diversity of Bartonella in the American Pika

Michael Woodword - Reproductive maturation and oocyte development in Lake Superior burbot (Lota lota)



Benjamin Fidler - The Teredo Coast

Dacia Price - Limitrophy: Nourishing the Limen

Sofie Riley - Writing Octopus Morphology: An Excellence in Education Proposal

Andrew Shapiro - Impact of Embryo Development and Asynchronous Hatching on the Development of Larval Burbot

Collin Smith - Recombinase Polymerase Amplification of IDH1 Mutation

Zane Tanis - TESOL Internship

Dena VanEnkevorte - Course in General Linguistics: Theory and Application



Diana Dzasezeva - Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation in Comparison to Heat Therapy as a Modality to Enhance Skeletal Muscle Recovery

Abby Knight - Effect of Fatigue on Shoulder Dynamic Stability in Overhead and Non-Overhead Athletes

Eric Naugle - Using Additional Measures of Handgrip Strength to Predict Aerobic Capacity

Nahir Negron-Fernandez - The Effect Of Step Rate Training On Running Economy And Biomechanics

Yousef Qadumi - The Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Prefrontal Cortex Hemodynamics and Handgrip Time to Failure

Alex Schaub - Effects of Static Versus Dynamic Cupping on Ankle Dorsiflexion



Mackenzie Baranski - Effect of Drug Administration on Choice in a Conflicting Consequense Task with Rats

Alexia Dalton - The Role of Sigma-1 Receptors in Marble Burying Test and Neurite Outgrowth

Makayla Mattson - Neural Correlates of Cognitive Control within an Emotional Anti-saccade Task

Elijah Nieman - Neurocorrelates of Character Choice in a Videogame Task

Haylee Snyder - Investigating Activity in the Medial Prefrontal Cortex and Prosocial Behavior after Exposure to Nature

Madeline Van Fossen - Effects of dextromethorphan on schedule-induced polydipsia in rats

Megan Wells - The Efficacy of Ketamine in Treating Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Grace Westrick - The Close Relationship Between Cognitive Flexibility and Cognitive Reappraisal


Jennifer VigilantSeasonal Response and Habituation by American Beavers to Predator Urine

Lucas BeckModeling Wolf Homesite Selection Over the Pup-rearing Season in Northern Minnesota

Ariel Edwards - Assessing the current status of the Lake Superior predator food web

Paul Joseph HaduckThe Diversity of Midges in a Small Northwoods Stream

Olivia Hall Invasive Arion Fuscus Distribution and Impact in the Great Lakes Region

Callan HerstNecrobiome Succession to Determine Post Mortem Interval

Mandy JoselynFrom Eggs to Exodus: The Influence of Local Temperatures in PMI Estimations Using Maggot Developement

Erika Meints - The Effects of Prescribed Fire on Native Flora and Invasive Typha x Glauca in Northern Wetlands in Voyageurs National Park, Minnesota

Dan MonhollonSeasonality of adult brook trout movment and habitat use dynamics in a shallow stream

Amy MunesEnvironmental Effects on Common Loon Telomeres

Emily MydlowskiAn examination of the cryptic relationship between bdelloid rotifers and the liverwort, Frullania eboracensis

Justin PineroTourism-induced Physiological Stress Modulates Brown Bear gut Microbiomes

Hilary RinslandDetermining bartonella Prevalence and Diversity in Pika Fleas

Asha RustadThe Role of msBDNF-TrkB in Regulating Mitochondrial Populations Through
Mitochondrial Adaptor Protein miro1

Collin SmithRecombinase Polymerase Amplification of IDH1 Mutation

Faith VanDrunenQuantifying the effect of altered flow regime on larval fish production in St. Marys River rapids

Sydny WatermanThe diet of the midges of a small northwoods stream

Michael WoodworthSpawning Site Selection and Sexual Maturation in Southern Lake Superior Burbot



Zoa CoudretThesis Research in Wisconsin and Minnesota

Emma DreverA Queer Manifesto

Benjamin Fidler

Camila Luz Ledoux Garcia Sleepless in Cyberspace, Chapbook - Incommensurable

Brett Mattson Ascribed and Declared: Representations and Portrayals of Non-White voices in Romantic British Literature

Lisandra PerezEmpezamos Aqui

Nadine Rodriguez Sowing Cerubim

Julia TalenDendrochronologies and Other Poems

Esperanza Vargas - La mujer durmiente y otros cuentos



Harrison GarciaAssociations between job-related factors affected by COVID-19 and career burnout in Certified Athletic Trainers

Nahir Negron-FernandezThe Effect of Step Rate Training on Factors that Influence Running Economy and Biomechanics

Alex Schaub Effects of Static Versus Dynamic Cupping on Ankle Dorsiflexion

Nadine SikoraThe Effects of Resistance Training on Endogenous Testosterone

Sarah TriemstraEffect of Eccentric Nordic Hamstric Training on Hamstring Fascicle Length in Females


Sydney Climie Saliva Based miR-320c Expression May Be Associated with Concussion Symptom Severity

Dahlia Kassel Shared and Unique Patterns of Resting-State Functional Connectivity Linked to
Eye-tracking Measures of Attentional and Interpretation Biases for Negative Emotional

Juan Carlos Mendoza Flores - Exploring the Nature of Cognitive Flexibility: An Eye-Tracking Study

Nicole ThomasRelationship Between Apolipoprotien E Gene expression and Chemotherapy Induced Cognitive Impairment

Carson YahrmarktPausing in Rich-lean Transistions Controlled by Spatially Diffuse Versus Spatially Localized Simuli


Lucas BeckModeling Wolf Homesite Selection Over the Pup-rearing Season in Northern Minnesota

Reinna BlairThe Effects on Density on the Facial Deformity of Hatchery Raised Cisco (Coregonus artedi)

Chase Daiek Effects of winter variability on native age-0 brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) growth and survival

Zach FarrandVariation in adaptation within five subspecies of the American pika (Ochotona princeps)

Jennifer GendelmanSeasonal Response and Habituation by American Beavers to Predator Urine


Tru Hubbard Human Presence: the impact on carnivore community structure

Casey Kimber - Investigating gene expression in motor neuron somas of muscle-derived BDNF deficient mice

Ellen LeeverReviewing Evolutionary Relationships of the Malagasy Freshwater Crab Genus (Foza)

Amy Munes Loon Telomere Analysis

Asha RustadThe Role of msBDNF-TrkB in Regulating Mitochondrial Populations Through Mitochondrial Adaptor Protein mirol

Michaela SmithTrophic Ecology of Hydropsychids in Lake Superior Surf Zone and Tributaries: a gut content and stable isotope approach

Sarah Trujillo - Variation in brown bear gut microbiomes: implications for conservation and management

Faith Van DrunenQuantifying the effect of altered flow regime on larval fish production in St. Marys River rapids

Rachel Weisbeck - Impacts of Bloodborne Pathogen Infections on Breeding Ecology and Success in White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis)



Casey JuntilaNMU Campus Surveillance system of SARS-CoV-2 through Rapid Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification screening and Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction confirmation



Zoa CoudretLearning Norwegian for Literacy Translation and Multilingual Writing Projects

Jessica Hudson Embodying the American Mermaid in Film, Family History, and My Own Tail

Haley HulanOkay, But is it Gay? A podcast about obscure queer cinema.

Rosealyn Roseboro - Oral Histories of African-Americans in Farrell, Pennsylvania

Elijah SparkmanThe Murals of Lake Bonnevile

Julia Talen - Plant Bodies: An Archive



Bill AffholterA Case Study: The Psycho-Physiological Attributes of an Electrically Assisted Mountain Bike (e-MTB)

Haley ClarkThe Relationship Between Concussions and Mental Health in Elite Hockey

Brett FoxConcussion Management and Perceptions of Athletic Trainers Role: A Comparison Survey of Michigan’s Primary Care Physicians in Rural and Urban Settings

Emily KlinkmanCoordination variability and injury risk in experienced collegiate dancers: a prospective cohort study



Cassidy GirardThe Relationship Between Cognitive Flexibility and Rumination

Jeremy LawrenceMental Noise Hypothesis: A relation between Neuroticism and P3 latency variance in choice reaction time tasks

Siraj LyonsA Study on Attentional Bias

Sydney MosserFactors Influencing Attitudes Towards Ex-offenders


Amy AbelThe necessity for basigin receptor function in the expression of Matrix Matalloproteinases

Jeannine BarnaIs Basigin Involved in Cellular Migration of Human Endometrial Stromal Cells

Chase DaiekEffects of winter variability on native age-0 brook trout (Salveliuus fontinalis) growth and survival

Erin EmingtonCharacterization of Larval Development and Behavioral Differences in Burbot, Lota lota, Populations

Zachery FarrandVariance in adaption within five subspecies of the American pika (ochotona princeps)


Kylee Hackman - Microbial endophyte-enhanced phytoremediation of cadium-contaminated soil using industrial hemp, Cannabis sativa L.

Tru HubbardA dynamic landscape of fear: effects of human recreation on carnivore activity

Casey KimberInvestigating gene expression in motor neuron somas of muscle-derived BDNF deficient mice

Ellen LeeverStudies on the Diversity of the Madagascan Freshwater Crabs

Ellen MichelsMolecular and morphological consequences of post-glacial contact among lineages of northern short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) in North America

Jeffrey NelsonRapid Colorimetric Identification of Common Cannabis Pathogens

Grant SteinackerThe effects of organic and synthetic fertilizers on fiber and CBD oil production in Cannabis Sativa L.

Sarah TrujilloVariation in brown bear gut microbiomes: implications fro conservation and management

Rachel WeisbackRates and Impacts of Blood Pathogen Infections in Black-capped Chickadees (Poecile atricapillus)

John WhitingerThe Consequences of Non-native Species Invasions on the Contemporary and Historic Trophic Ecology of Native Sport Fish in a Lake Michigan Embayment

Ella WilbanksWoodland caribou as ecological drivers of fir broom rust infection on the Slate Islands Provincal Park



Yekaterina LushnikovaAssessment of Cannabinoid Ligand 2-AG and Cordycepin Treatments in Glioma Cell Lines by CB2R and GPR55 Receptors



Audrey BaumanSongs from the Dark Frontier: A Science Fictional Exploration of Place and Protest in Hong Kong

Anissa GodfreyT.Hanks for Everything: A Memoir of Scenes

Travis GuzmanHyperballad: a Hybrid of Literacy Fiction and Music

Madeline Hernstom-Hill Acts of Miracle, Sights of Memory: An Investigation of Women Saints in Ireland

Jessica Hudson - Childhood in Motion: Studying Children's Films at The Traverse City Film Festival

Mallory JonesCharlotte Perkins Gilman and the Forerunner: An American Periodical

Olivia KingeryBread Loaf Environmental Writer's Conference

Ian Maxton What Is To Be Done

Victoria RegoUprooting the South: Excavating Hidden Histories in South Carlonia's Lowcountry

Elijah SparkmanIsland Journal continued: The Earth Ball in and around the Lake

Tiffany Stachnik Anticipating the demands, benefits, and drawbacks of teaching English as a second language in Polish summer camps and Austrian secondary schools: a reference guide



Josie MazzoneThe Psychology Effect of Therapy Dogs during Exercise for Sedentary Adults

Matthew SirkIntermittent Vascular Occlusion in combination with Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation as a modality to enhance skeletal muscle recovery



Katherine Elwell - Effects of Attention Bias Modification Therapy on Cerebellar Seeded Functional Connectivity Networks in High Trait Anxiety Individuals

Hayley GilbertsonThe Effects on Attention Bias Modification on Electrocortical Modulation and Resting State Function Connectivity in High Trait Anxious Individuals


Amy AbelInvestigation of a Novel BDNF-Driven Mouse Model

Jeannine BarnaPurification and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibody

Ben BejcekIndividual variation in winter brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) movement in a small northern Michigan stream

Mikel CawleyAssessment of Mitochondrial Transport Along the Axon

Joseph DuffyEvaluating the Effects Small Molecule Inhibitor R428 in Combination with Temozolomide for the Treatment of Primary and Metastatic Brain Tumors

Connor GableDoes Fungal Community composition influence the Nest-Site Selection of cavity-excavating songbirds?

Emily Johnson Evolution of freshwater crabs of Malawi in the African Rift Valley

Rachael KahnRapid colorimetric identification of Escherichia coli Shiga toxins 1 and 2 using Loop Mediated Isothermal Amplification, followed by PNA/AuNP detection

Lehren Olk-SzostStreptomyces Antifungal Activity against Fusarium spp.

Carly PagetRapid Detection of Avial Blood Parasites and West Nile Virus Utiliging Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification: Evaluating Infection Rates and Physical Disturbances on Common Loon (Gavia immer) Survival and Reproductive Success in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan

Daniel RaymondEvaluating sAXL as a Biomarker for Glioblastoma

Thorton Ritz Developmental Differences in Burbot experiencing Differing Life History Strategies and Geographic Seperation

Veronica SnowAeroponic Farming Systems as a Potential Solution for Community Food Insecurities

Stephanie SzarmachGenetic Diversity of Blue Wildebeest in Zambia

John WhittingerThe Consequences of Non-native Species Invasions on the Contemporary and Historic Trophic ecology of Native Sport Fish in a Lake Michigan Embayment

Ella Wilbanks Environmental factors influencing the spread of witche's broom on balsam fir in a boreal landscape

Grace ZimmermanThe influence of food availability and temperature on individual differences in matabolic rate in brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis)



Audrey BaumanHungry Ghosts in Hong Kong: An Exploration of Place, Identity, and Culture Through Ghost Stories

Katherine Belliel - Hamam Culture as a Source of Feminine Empowerment in Contemporary Turkey

Hannah Cajandig-TaylorRomantic Portrait of a Natural Disaster: An Alaskan Experience

Randi Clemens - Finding Bones: A Search for Plastic and Glass

Megan EmilyThe Wild Diamond Diaries Part II: Healing Alongside America's Wild Horses

Anisssa GodfreyThe Intersectionality of Grief and Joy in European Art and History

Olivia KingreyNavigating Roadkill - Orion Environmental Writer's Conference

Ryne MenhennickMemories of Europe in 20th Century Jewish Literature

Stephanie Oesch Fans, Stadiums, and Poetry: Experiencing Fan Culture at US Soccer Matches

Daniel Pobereyko Back to the Cape: A Study of the Country's Premier Amateur Baseball League

Victoria Rego Musing on the Sacred: Art Institutions and Secular Worship in the 21st Century


Katherin ArkansasSeeds of Change S.T.E.M. Curricula Utilizing Hydroponic and Aquaponic Growing Systems for K-12 Tribal Schools

Jaime VanEnkevortAvailablity of High School Programs and Services to address Trauma-Related Outcomes in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan



Corey Fitzgerald - Comparison of the National Football League Coaches Strength and Conditioning Practices 1997-1998 to 2018

Olivia Perrin A Comparison of the National Basketball Association’s Annual National Basketball Association Draft Combine 2001 to 2018



Jeremy AndzejewskiEvaluating the Error-Related Negativity as a Functional Biomarker of Brain Structure to Predict Attention Bias Modification Outcome

Hayley Gilbertson Effects of Attention Bias Modification on Neural Indices of Error Monitoring and Conflict Processing in High-Trait Anxiety Individuals

Alex Lekander Examining the Effects of Putative Antipsychotic Drugs

Min Park - Assessment of sex differences and behavioral effects of psychostimulants on schedule-induced polydipsia

Taylor SusaBlood Biomarkers and Magnetic Resonance Imaging following Concussion in Post Return-to-Play Colleagiate Athletes


Ada Acevedo

Ben Bejcek

Jacob Bowman

Mikel Cawley

Connor Gable

Austin Homkes

Emily Johnson

Mindy Kantola

Dawn Marsh

Eric Miltz-Miller

Katie Nehiba

Carly Paget

Tess Peacock

Samantha Phillips

Thornton Ritz

Veronica Snow

Stephanie Szarmach

James VanOrman

Grace Zimmerman



Ollie Bartlett 

Krys Belc

Katherine Belliel

Alex Clark

Megan Emily

Emmanuel Flores

Jackson Keller

Kendra Klein

Kari Lutes

Brenna Womer


William Brown



Corey Fitzgerald

Aditi Vyas



Jeremy Andrzejewski


Beau Adams

Katie Bjornen

Stephen Drog

Alex Graeff

Austin Homkes

Dawn Marsh

Eric Miltz-Miller

Rudolph Mosca

Katie Nehiba

Samantha Phillips

Amanda Vanderplow

James VanOrmen

Luke VanOsdal

Niyomia Wijewardena



Krys Belc

Ethan Brightbill

Alex Clark

Hayli Clark

Willow Grosz

Tianli Kilpatrick

Elizabeth Michael

William Nyfeler

Sara Ryan

Adam Uhrig

Brenna Womer



Mindie Clark

Brandon Jones

Megan Hennekens

Ryan Meidinger

Stephanie Moore



Emily Plackowski


Andrew Adamski

Katie Bjornen

Benjamin Bolcer

Danielle Brogen

Spencer Chicoine

Thomas Gable

Sarah Gallagher

Alexander Graeff

Genevieve Haas

Marissa Kane

Carol Kessel

Christopher Kyle

Joshua Litvinoff

Trabis Moe

Erik Peterson

Colin Smith

Joshua Susco

Matthew Symbal

Amanda Vanderplow

Luke VanOsdal

Niyomi Wijewardena



Sarah Bates

Jacqueline Boucher

Deziree Brown

Hayli Cox

Reannon Dykehouse

Hayley Fitz

Willow Grosz

Benjamin Kinney

Jennifer Quartararo

Sara Ryan



William Brown

Andrew Ernst



Jacob Aday

Keara Kangas


Ryan Brandt

Jordyn David

Thomas Gable

Kaylagh Hollen

Kayla Knoll

Ian Marsh

Andrew Rankin

Joseph Susco

Heather Toman

Samantha Wightman



Davi Baldussi Alves

Sarah Bates

Michael Berry

Annie Bilancini

Jacqueline Boucher

Joshua Brewer

James Dyer

Paige Frazier

Matt Ftacek

Michael Giddings

Amy Hansen

Cristen  Leppla

Robin McCarthy

Caleb Nelson

Ania Payne

Jennifer Quartararo

Matt Weinkam

Andrea Wuorenmaa



Kendra Meyer



Aaron Eastham

Andrew Ernst

Kevin Phillips



Kelly Morrow

Remington Rice

Mark Vanden Avond


Shawn Chapman

Laurel Hill

Kristin Jacob

Leon Katona

Kayla Knoll

D. Cody Norton

Ashley Parent

Ryan Passino

Anna Rice

Amanda Taisto

Heather Toman



Andrew Mills



Alyssa Bersine

Tyler Dettloff

James Dyer

Lynn Fay

Cory Ferrer

Michael Giddings

Tracy Haack

Sofie Harsha

Cristen Leppla

Caleb Nelson

Ryan Kauffman

Robin McCarthy

Ania Payne

Rebecca Pelky

Emily Suess

Matt Weinkam

Joy Weitzel

Andrea Wuorenmaa



Max Adolphs

Cale Anderson

Kevin Phillips



Emily Kaney



Katelin Matazel


Ben Ayotte

Stephen Caird

Shawn Chapman

Jeremy Cook

Nicholas Cook

Robert Cross

David Essian

Kari Farkas

Alexandra Goodman

Ryan Goulet

Rachael Guth

Jesse Haavisto

Casey Hares

Laurel Hill

Marc Madigan

Michael Muhs

D. Cody Norton

Ryan Passino

Jonathan Pearce

Michael Rotter

Emily Sprengelmeyer

Quentin Sprengelmeyer

Kurt VanMullekom

Joseph Wagner



Joshua Brewer

Cameron Contois

Rachel DeRosie

Cory Ferrer

Geoffrey Gimse

Nancy Gold

Alexander Gubbins

Nicole Korock

Chanomi Maxwell-Parish

Melody McNeil

John Minser

Zarah Moeggenberg

Matthew Neall

Rebecca Pelky

Brandon Peters

Joshua Roever

Linda Sirois



Tanya Cook

Auna Oman



Bridget Durocher



Emily Kaney



Larry Carey

Samantha Wagner


Ben Ayotte

Steve Caird

Robert Cross

Donald Danesi

Kristin Denryter

Kevin Duby

Emily Durkin

Kari Farkas

Susan Fawcett

Rachael Guth

Jesse Haavisto

Sayako Iwanaga

Chris Kovala

Matthew Lindeman

Thomas McFall

Craig McGrain

Michael Muhs

Emily Pomeroy

Michael Rotter

Keith Sabin

Danielle VanBeckum

Kurt VanMullekom



Ashley Boulton

Cameron Contois

Rachel DeRosie

Emily Engelhard

Lynn Fay

Alex Gubbins

Richard Hackler

Erkki Mackey

Chanomi Maxwell-Parish

Melody McNeil

Jordan Meyers

Zarah Moggenberg

Brandon Peters

Linda Sirois

Cameron Whitbeck



Alexis Bench

Michael Berquist


Donald Danesi II

Abbie Debiak

Kristin Denryter

Kevin Duby

Emily Durkin

Susan Fawcett

Chris Gagnon

Nathan Gazza

Alexis Growe-Raney

Sayako Iwanaga

Kyla Iwinski

Chris Kovala

Sarah Leibenguth

Sarah Malick

J. Gary Palmer

Michael Peters

Justine Pinskey

Emily Pomeroy

Vanessa Thibado



Brook Boulton

Katherine Buel

Justin Daughtery

Emily Engelhard

Andrew Hilleman

Cameron Mahoney

Laura Mead

Jordan Meyers

Darrin Moir

Virginia Schminke-Yaus

Jian Sha

Luke Thominet

Cameron Whitbeck



Breanne Carlson

Erich Daniels

Erich Petushek


Jenny Anderson

Emily Durkin

Chris Gagnon

Nathan Gazza

Joseph Gerbyshak

Alexis Christina Growe-Raney

Julie Howard

Tori LaFleur

Danny LeBert

Sarah Malick

J. Gary Palmer

Vanessa Thibado



Katherine Buel

T. Colin Clancy

Justin Daugherty

Elizabeth Faucett

Richard Hackler

Christopher Linforth

Krista Mann

Erica Mead

Gillian Podkomorka

Jason Shrontz



Steve Hoostal

Cora Ohnstad

Jodi Tervo



Maureen Donegan

Todd Hillhouse