Upcoming Event
Thursday, February 20, 2025 | 3PM | University Center - Register and Submit here
This two-hour postering event is a new opportunity for students to showcase their research, scholarly activity, and creative inquiry. The Student Scholarship Summit is not only a chance for students to present posters, but it includes time for intentional networking and mingling with industry leaders, as well as the community at large. The inaugural event will accept a maximum of fifty (50) student entries on a first come, first served basis. Funding will be awarded to the top three posters and the public selected Peoples' Choice Award. See more details and registration below.
All are encouraged to attend: Alumni and current students, faculty, staff, and their families. The community members and stakeholders in the greater Marquette, Upper Peninsula, and Mid-west regions are welcome and encouraged to attend this opportunity to explore the insights and breakthroughs occurring today at Northern Michigan University.
As a keystone offering at PEAK 25, this summit elevates breakthroughs in research, scholarly activity, creative inquiry, and collaboration through connections between industry leaders, visionaries, students, and lifelong learners.
Registration LINK and Details/Deadlines
Registration and Abstracts
Deadline: Extended to Friday, February 14, 2025
Please follow this link to submit your abstract. To revisit your abstract submission responses for edits PRIOR to the deadline, use the link provided in your original submission confirmation message.
Up to fifty (50) posters will be accepted to the Student Scholarship Summit on a first come, first served basis. No more than twenty (20) entries will be accepted by any one department. Judging will be based on criteria found below in the poster section. Awards will be issued for First ($750), Second ($450), Third places ($150), and one (1) People's Choice ($750). Note: Acceptance of a Prize may impact financial aid awards and may be taxable under IRS rules, click the link to checkout NMU Guidelines for Gifts, Prizes, and Awards.
**Abstract submissions received after the above deadline will not be included in the event.
Deadline: Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Scholarly work in all subjects will be eligible for presentation via posters. A physical poster is required for this submission; go to BEACON or CURAH for assistance in creating your poster or use this awesome template, and see the guidance below for printing.
To be considered for a Summit award, presenters are responsible for delivery of the final poster between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 19 directly to the event location at the Northern Center. This deadline allows adequate time for juror review. Posters are not required at the time of registration. (i.e., the February 14th deadline is only for the abstract.)
**Posters received after the above deadline will not be considered for awards and, depending on time constraints, may not be included in event proceedings.
Preparing your Abstract for Registration
All abstracts must be submitted online through the link above. To revisit your abstract submission responses for edits prior to the deadline, use the link provided with your original submission confirmation message. Deadline for the inaugural Student Scholarship Summit: Abstract submission will close at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, February 14, 2025!
Attendance at the Student Scholarship Summit is open to all members of the NMU, Marquette, and surrounding communities.
Abstracts should:
- Clearly state the central research question and/or purpose of the project.
- Provide relevant context that demonstrates a unique contribution to the field.
- Provide a brief description of the research design and methodology.
- State conclusions or expected results and the context in which they will be discussed.
- Include text only (no images or graphics).
- Be well-organized and proofed for errors.
- Be an original work created solely by the author(s).
- In the case of visual art, be a brief artist's statement.
Other formatting guidelines:
- References may be included, but are not required.
- The submission form will not process all formatting and special characters (e.g., scientific symbols). Use plain text format for your abstract. (Paste your abstract into a simple text editor, like Notepad, to remove formatting, then copy and paste from the text editor into the submission form.)
- The abstract limit is 250 words.
Have the following information available when submitting your abstract:
- Name and e-mail address for each faculty mentor and co-author(s), as well as the academic major for each co-author.
- Field of study for the project.
One abstract per primary author is permitted. There is no limit on the number of abstracts submitted per co-author.
Note: The title and author(s) of your abstract will appear EXACTLY as they are entered in the abstract submission form. Please proofread for correct punctuation and spelling before submitting. Capitalize your title.
This slide set provides a quick overview and tips about writing an abstract. Contact your research mentor or the NMU Writing Center for help to write an effective abstract.
Posters - Requirements and Printing, Judging and Awards
All scholarly work must meet submission requirements.
Posters submitted by the deadline will be judged for awards. Entries will be judged on content, clarity, and the quality of visual display. Winners will be notified in advance and celebrated at the party.
Questions should be directed to grants@nmu.edu.
Requirements and Printing
- All poster submissions must be 24" (wide) x 36" (high). You can follow this TEMPLATE or use THIS guide to assist you in completing your poster. This is intended to be a sustainably managed event, if you are presenting a previously presented poster that required different dimensions, that poster will be accepted. Kindly communicate this detail to the team in your registration OR by email to grants@nmu.edu.
- If you submit a poster, you should be prepared to discuss your work, including your project/research design, methods, process, and findings.
- Posters are not required at the time of registration. However, note that the deadline for submission for poster printing is also on February 14.
- Poster printing is the responsibility of the student scholar. Some academic departments offer the opportunity for poster printing; check with your faculty advisor. Each student may select the printer of their choice. Students choosing to print through the NMU Printing Department will not be charged for the poster costs - the event will cover the cost. NMU Printing Department LINK
- To be considered for a Summit award, presenters are responsible for the delivery of the final poster between 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Wednesday, February 19 directly to the event location at the Northern Center. This deadline allows adequate time for juror review.
- Posters received after the above deadlines will not be considered for awards and, depending on time constraints, may not be included in event proceedings.
Judging and Awards
- All posters submitted that meet requirements and deadlines will be eligible for judging to win an award.
- The pool of judges will include community, industry, and scholarly professionals. If you are interested in judging, contact grants@nmu.edu.
- The evaluation rubric will include the following categories:
- Statement of Problem / Rationale
- Literature Review / Background / Theory
- Project Methods / Technique / Design
- Conclusion / Results
- Overall Quality and Visual Representation
- Awards will be issued to the First-, Second-, and Third-place poster authors, as well as one (1) People's Choice.
- Announcement of awards will take place during the PEAK25 Party with live music.
More information can be found at peakconference.org.
What to expect event day
All student presenters should expect to discuss their poster during the event on Thursday, February 20 between 3 p.m. and 5 p.m.. The event will take place in the Northern Center Ballroom III on the Northern Michigan University campus.
Note that simultaneously there will be an Entrepreneurial Showcase and Trade Fair; this will allow for a very intentional networking opportunity between students and industry participants in addition to campus affiliates and the community.
Immediately following the postering session, there will be a party to celebrate the shared work of investigating, creating, and collaborating. Announcement of poster awards will take place during this party. Students have the chance to receive awards for First ($750), Second ($450), Third places ($150), and one (1) People's Choice ($750). Refreshments and live music will be available.