All housing is provided, including when we travel outside of Austria.
In Vienna, we stay in a historical apartment building (not a hostel or hotel):
Jugendwohnhaus Kölblgasse, Kölblgasse 20, A-1030 Wien
You choose your roommate.
Kitchens are fully equipped.
Bed linens (sheet, blanket, pillow) are provided (but you must provide your own towels).
All Program-related travel in Europe is provided, including our international and regional excursions.
You will have a personal 24/7 pass for your entire stay for all local public transportation throughout Greater Vienna - bus, train, trolley, subway, and light rail.
You will met at the airport and escorted to our accommodation on the first day of the Program.
We eat well - two full meals most days, including drinks and desert.
We eat at a variety of restaurants to give you a full sense of Central European cuisine.
We eat at historical venues - some of our meals will be in medieval settings and former palaces.
We focus on traditional, regional foods but with a heavy dose of international cuisine.
We often eat family style (platters of food in the middle of the table and we all tuck in).
We stop every afternoon for a snack break (coffee, pastry, gelato).
We accommodate all dietary restrictions (but we encourage you to experiment).
The apartments have kitchens; bakeries, markets, groceries, and vendors are nearby.
Additional Services
Language academy tuition and materials
International trips to Prague, Hungary, and Slovakia
Regional excursions to the Alps, the Danube, the Vienna Woods, and more
All entrance fees and tickets - every concert, show, site, museum, event, and experience (there are NO hidden fees or add-on surcharges; if we are doing it as part of the Program, it is included)