
  • All housing is provided, including when we travel outside of Austria.
  • In Vienna, we stay in a historical apartment building (not a hostel or hotel): 
    • Jugendwohnhaus Kölblgasse, Kölblgasse 20, A-1030 Wien
  • You choose your roommate.
  • Kitchens are fully equipped.
  • Bed linens (sheet, blanket, pillow) are provided (but you must provide your own towels).
  • All Program-related travel in Europe is provided, including our international and regional excursions.
  • You will have a personal 24/7 pass for your entire stay for all local public transportation throughout Greater Vienna - bus, train, trolley, subway, and light rail.
  • You will met at the airport and escorted to our accommodation on the first day of the Program.
  • We eat well - two full meals most days, including drinks and desert.
  • We eat at a variety of restaurants to give you a full sense of Central European cuisine.
  • We eat at historical venues - some of our meals will be in medieval settings and former palaces.
  • We focus on traditional, regional foods but with a heavy dose of international cuisine.
  • We often eat family style (platters of food in the middle of the table and we all tuck in).
  • We stop every afternoon for a snack break (coffee, pastry, gelato).
  • We accommodate all dietary restrictions (but we encourage you to experiment).
  • The apartments have kitchens; bakeries, markets, groceries, and vendors are nearby.
  • Language academy tuition and materials
  • International trips to Prague, Hungary, and Slovakia
  • Regional excursions to the Alps, the Danube, the Vienna Woods, and more
  • All snacks and drinks while on program events
  • Experienced, round-the-clock, bilingual on-site assistance
  • Escorted travel and transfer on arrival
  • All entrance fees and tickets - every concert, show, site, museum, event, and experience (there are NO hidden fees or add-on surcharges; if we are doing it as part of the Program, it is included)
  • Full medical insurance
  • Wifi access at the apartment and school