Jeri Hosang '92, '99Jeri Portrait

Marquette, MI

Jeri is the owner of Jeri's Consulting, LLC, a nurse case management company, and she works as a Nurse Case Manger for GENEX Services. She previously worked for Michigan Hospital Association/Coverys as a senior disability management consultant for 12 years. She graduated magna cum laude in 1992 with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. While obtaining her degree, she was the director of the NMU Community Outreach gymnastics program and head gymnastics coach at Marquette Senior High School. She graduated summa cum laude in 1999 with a bachelor's of science in nursing (BSN) and was the recipient of the NMU College of Nursing Award of Merit.

"I wanted to be on the NMU Alumni Board of Directors in order to promote the superior education, faculty support, community engagement and endless outdoor opportunities available at NMU. My education is what brought me to Marquette and my exceptional experience and lifelong friendships made at NMU is what has kept me here. Proud to be a Wildcat!"