The Undergraduate Research Fund developed out of a generous donation to the Department of Biology by NMU alumna Marilyn Scheidemantel. The Undergraduate Research Award may be used for any undergraduate student-centered activity judged by the Budget Committee to be professionally appropriate. Such uses include but are not limited to: research supplies, research materials, research-related travel. This is not intended to cover conference travel or publication fees. (See the Special Project Award for student conference travel support)
Eligibility: All enrolled undergraduate students are eligible for Undergraduate Research Awards. All proposals must be accompanied by a letter of support from a faculty member in the Department of Biology.
Format: Complete proposals must include:
A title, name, and email address for the principal investigator,
a project narrative,
a timetable,
a budget
any other associated appendices such as progress reports and support letters from faculty mentors (see below)
Narratives for proposals seeking support research must describe the research rationale, the materials and methods required, and the expected outcomes or deliverables. The narrative portion of the proposal must not exceed two (2) single-spaced pages, in a 10 point font, excluding literature cited. A timetable, a budget, and a current curriculum vitae for the principal investigator must be attached as an appendix to the proposal. Budget items must include annotations (or hyperlinks) demonstrating that the projected costs are justified. If the proposal is to support research in progress that previously received Department or University support, the applicant(s) must include an additional appendix describing the accomplishments to date and explain the need for additional support. Support letters from sponsoring faculty members must be attached as an additional appendix.
Award Evaluation: Undergraduate Research Award proposals shall be evaluated by the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee will judge each proposal on its significance, clarity of presentation, methodology and planning, and budget justification. The Budget Committee will provide a recommendation for funding to the Department within three (3) weeks of the proposal due date. The Budget Committee Chair will notify applicants of funding decisions after the Budget Committee's recommendation has been voted on by the Department.
Application Deadlines: Applications must be submitted as a single electronic file (including faculty support letters) to biologygrants@nmu.edu. The proposal application deadlines are at the close of business (5pm) on October 1 and March 1. In the event those dates fall on a weekend or a campus holiday, applications will be due at the close of business (5pm) on the next business day.
Limit on Awards: Students may win more than one award per year, but no one may receive more than $1000 in an academic year.
Distribution of Funds: Money will not be distributed from the Undergraduate Research Award unless the Budget Committee has made a positive recommendation for funding that was approved by the Department. The Department of Biology Office will handle the allocation, distribution, reimbursement, and accounting of Undergraduate Research Award monies.