M.S. Clinical Molecular Diagnostics | An Online Master's Degree

About the Degree

Northern’s Clinical Molecular Diagnostics (CMD) program is designed to provide a rigorous graduate-level education for clinical laboratory scientists and biologists in the field of molecular diagnostics. The CMD program is intended for laboratory science professionals who are:

  • Already trained and competent in a medical laboratory or related discipline
  • Ready to advance their careers
  • Working in a clinical laboratory setting

Dr. Matt Jennings - Clinical Molecular Diagnostics Program Director - answers all the frequently asked questions in our on-demand video Q&A. Access the video below

Clinical Molecular Genetics student in lab
Heather Casey

"As a distance learning student, I was given the tools and support I needed not only to successfully complete the program while working full-time, but also to prepare me for my recent job promotion."

Heather C., Clinical Molecular Diagnostics grad

Hershey Medical Center (Pennsylvania State Medical Campus)

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