Friday 23, 2009

Northern Michigan University’s Student Leader Fellowship Program (SLFP) is now accepting applications for a new group of 50 or more student fellows to begin the program in the fall of 2009. The application deadline is Friday, Feb. 6.

            The SLFP is a two-year commitment that focuses on leadership skill development and a commitment to community service. Eligible applicants must have and maintain a 2.3 grade-point average. They must also have at least sophomore status by the fall of 2009.

            Components of the program include a two-credit leadership theory course, a year-long mentoring relationship with a leader in the local community, an annual overnight fall retreat, Skill Builder workshops and a year-long community service internship.

            Applications can be obtained in the Center for Student Enrichment, 1206 University Center, from any Residence Hall Director, or online at http://www.nmu.edu/slfp.

            For more information, call the Center for Student Enrichment at 227-1771 or visit the website http://www.nmu.edu/slfp.

The SLFP has had 653 graduates since its establishment in 1991. Student Leader Fellows have provided more than 73,000 hours of community service at 302 internship sites. More than 500 citizens from Marquette and the surrounding area have served as SLFP mentors, with many individuals doing so multiple times.
