Wednesday 13, 2009
The Northern Center for Lifelong Learning will sponsor a hike to two of the largest accessible waterfalls in the Big Bay area on Thursday, May 21.
Al Reynolds, a wilderness guide and enthusiast, will lead hikers to Alder and Pinnacle Falls. Participants are asked to bring a sack lunch and wear sturdy walking shoes for the two-mile round-trip hike. Participants will meet at 8 a.m. at the Berry Events Center’s east parking lot. The cost is $4 for NCLL members and $7 for non-members. A contribution for gas is requested. Please register by Monday, May 18, by calling Reynolds at 360-4167.
Al Reynolds, a wilderness guide and enthusiast, will lead hikers to Alder and Pinnacle Falls. Participants are asked to bring a sack lunch and wear sturdy walking shoes for the two-mile round-trip hike. Participants will meet at 8 a.m. at the Berry Events Center’s east parking lot. The cost is $4 for NCLL members and $7 for non-members. A contribution for gas is requested. Please register by Monday, May 18, by calling Reynolds at 360-4167.