Wednesday 17, 2010
            MARQUETTE, Mich.—Northern Michigan University will offer an Entrepreneurship Academy designed to expand business development in the Upper Peninsula. Community members and students interested in starting a new business or invigorating an established one are invited to participate.

The format will consist of six modules leading to a certificate of completion, with classes offered from 6-9 p.m. Thursdays from March 11-April 15. Topics include business plan development, marketing and market analysis, financial activities, accounting, legal requirements and available resources.

The cost is $100 for community members. There is no charge for NMU students who submit a scholarship application. All materials are provided.

Rob LionandRay Amtmann from the College of Business are coordinating the academy with support from an NMU Wildcat Innovation Fund Award.  To register, contact Lion at 227-1894 or rlion@nmu.edu.

Kristi Evans
News Director