Thursday 8, 2010
MARQUETTE, Mich.—Northern Michigan University’s Graduate Student Association is sponsoring a number of events in recognition of graduate student week that will take place from Monday-Friday, April 12-16.

            Thesis survival kits will be given to NMU’s 655 graduate students Monday, April 12, to raise awareness about the GSA, it will include materials with helpful thesis information, information about services NMU provides for graduate students and coupons for local businesses. The GSA committee will meet at 5 p.m. in Pioneer Room A.

            Tuesday is Michigan Graduate Education Day in Lansing. Graduate students Vanessa Thibado and Danny LeBert will represent NMU by presenting their research to legislators at the State Capitol.

            There will be a graduate school panel discussion for undergraduate students interested in graduate school at 5 p.m. Wednesday, in Gries Hall 167. Graduate students from NMU will answer questions about applying, being a teaching assistant, the GRE and other tests and recommendation letters.

             Graduate students will present at NMU’s Celebration of Student Research and Creative Works and Academic Service learning Thursday.

            There will be a graduate student professional development seminar at 1:30 p.m. Friday, April 16, in the Mead Auditorium. This event will consist of three different workshops; writing grants, doctorate program applications and job searching.

            For more information contact gsa@nmu.edu.  
