Journalist and Nonfiction Writer Gives Reading at NMU
MARQUETTE, Mich.—Northern Michigan University will host a reading by journalist and nonfiction writer Josh MacIvor-Andersen at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 23, in 167 Gries Hall. The public is invited free of charge. Light refreshments will be served.
MacIvor-Andersen teaches journalism and creative nonfiction at NMU. His writing and reporting have won the Susan Atefat prize, the New Millennium Writings award and Ruminate's VanderMey prize. He has also received two Pushcart nominations. He is a contributor to magazines such as National Geographic/Glimpse, Geez, Sojourners and Prism. His personal essays have appeared in numerous publications.
A regional television star as a kids’ club host in middle Tennessee and southern Kentucky, MacIvor-Andersen also was an oven manager for a traditional European-style bakery, a truck driver and baker for a non-governmental organization in the Balkans and a former Tennessee Tree Climbing Champion.
This reading is sponsored by the master’s and MFA programs in creative writing in NMU’s English department. For more information, call 227-1386.