Price Elected to National PRSSA Office
MARQUETTE, Mich.—Brian Price, a Northern Michigan University senior from Negaunee, was recently elected 2012-13 national vice president of chapter development for the Public Relations Student Society of America.
As a member of the national committee, Price will coordinate the following: programming for the PRSSA national conference chapter development sessions and chapter president’s leadership workshop; leadership training workshops for the PRSSA National Assembly; and the organization’s community service initiative at the national conference. He will also run and promote the annual FUNdraising Bowl and serve as a resource for chapters and their leadership.
“I am so honored to represent NMU and proud to serve PRSSA at this level,” said Price. “I’m excited to contribute to the national organization and work with others who share my passion and enthusiasm for public relations and PRSSA.”
Price joined the NMU chapter of PRSSA as a junior and served on the executive board before being elected president his senior year. He has gained related experience as a student employee in NMU communications and marketing, doing promotional work for NMU athletics and serving as a public relations intern with the U.P. Children’s Bereavement Network.
After graduating in May with a bachelor’s degree, Price plans to remain at NMU to pursue a master’s in public administration.