NCLL Explores Email and Google

Wednesday 11, 2012

            MARQUETTE, Mich.—The Northern Center for Lifelong Learning will present “Questions about Email and Google? We Have Answers” at 3 p.m. Thursday, April 26, in Northern Michigan University’s Cohodas Hall room 412.
            This class is designed to answer questions about popular email providers and the Google search engine. The presenters will discuss the basics of email use, including how to reply, forward, add attachments, change font size and color, add emotions and set up groups. This is a good opportunity for participants who have not yet set up an email account to do so.
            This class is $5 for NCLL members and $10 non-members. Register by April 19 by calling 227-2979.

Alyssa Bersine
Student Writer
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