NMU Offers Percussive Attack Camp
MARQUETTE, Mich.—Registration is now open for the Percussive Attack Camp being offered by the Northern Michigan University music department July 28-Aug. 1.
The five-day workshop is for students from middle school age through adult. Classes include traditional chamber ensemble, experimental, improvisation, rudimental and la poubelle. The week will conclude with two public performances on the NMU campus.
This year’s teaching faculty includes camp director Carrie Biolo and NMU student assistants Amanda Fliflet and Shannon Whitehouse. The trio will present a faculty recital the Tuesday evening during the camp.
Tuition of $150 covers the camp registration, one pair of Vic Firth drum sticks and a PAC t-shirt. Registration forms can be requested at www.nmu.edu/music. For more information, call 227-2563 or email music@nmu.edu.