Old-Time Music Presentation at NMU

Thursday 16, 2014

William Van Vugt, professor of history at Calvin College, will present "English Music on the American Frontier" at Northern Michigan University. His talk begins at 7 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 28, at the Beaumier U.P. Heritage Center in 105 Cohodas Hall. Admission is free.  

The presentation coincides with the Beaumier Center’s exhibition, “Music in the Pines: a history of the Hiawatha Traditional Music Festival.” It includes selections from the foundation of early American country music, which became Bluegrass or "Old Time," demonstrated on guitar with some vocals, and shows how English music became assimilated to the American frontier.

The Beaumier Center and NMU history department are sponsoring the presentation.

Kristi Evans
News Director