Norton Awarded Best Poster Presentation in Greece

Saturday 15, 2014

Northern Michigan University biology graduate student Cody Norton of Marquette received the Truman Award for the best poster presentation at the 2014 International Conference on Bear Research and Management in Thessaloniki, Greece. The conference allowed Norton to interact with students, researchers and some of the world’s top bear biologists from 42 countries.

“The conference was amazing,” Norton said. “Interacting with other wildlife students and professionals from around the world provided an opportunity to gain new perspectives and ideas on education, research, and management of bears and other wildlife here in the U. P.”

 Norton’s poster was chosen from a group of over 40 posters ranging in topics from bear population and monitoring, bear conservation and bear-human interactions.

“There were many other great poster presentations and I was surprised and honored to be awarded the Truman award,” Norton said.

Robert Thomas
Student Writer