Seaborg Center Announces Summer College for Kids
Northern Michigan University’s Seaborg Center will offer a number of hands-on programs for elementary and middle school children during its 2015 Summer College for Kids. Morning sessions run from 9 a.m. to noon and afternoon sessions from 1-4 p.m. The cost is $65 per program or $75 for those with field trips. The schedule follows. For more information, or to register, visit or call 227-2002.
June 22-26
Morning: Simple Machines with LEGOs, grades K-2; Robotics for Beginners, grades 3-5; Michigan’s Most Unwanted (invasive species), grades 6-8.
Afternoon: Discovery Bottles, K-2; Building Big Structures or Cow-a-nomics, 3-5; and Solar Energy/Cooking with the Sun, 6-8.
July 6-10
Morning: Penguins and Their Young, K-2; Robotics for Beginners, 3-5; and Crazy Chemistry, 6-8.
Afternoon: Exploring Measurement, K-2; Chemistry for Beginners, 3-5; and Coding for Kids, 6-8.
July 13-17
Morning: Build It Festival, K-2; Earth Materials, 3-5; and Waves and Energy, 6-8.
Afternoon: How Does Your Garden Grow?, K-2; Motion and Design with K’Nex™, 3-5; and Forensics 101, 6-8.
July 20-24
Morning: Let’s Make Weather, K-2; The Amazing Human Body, 3-5; and Food Webs and Symbiotic Relationships, 6-8.
Afternoon: Simple Machines with LEGOs™, K-2; Ecosystems and Owl Pellets, 3-5; and Turtles & Toads, 5-7,