NMU on Safest College Towns and Best Colleges Lists
MARQUETTE, Mich.— Northern Michigan University’s home base of Marquette is the 21st safest college town in America, according to a ranking released by The SafeWise Report. Security experts from SafeWise evaluated the most recent FBI crime statistics available. They coupled that data with their own research on safety-related programs and initiatives, culminating in 2015’s “50 Safest College Towns in America.”
The Marquette description on the SafeWise website reads: “Crime prevention is big in the community. The town police, for example, have created the Youth Services Bureau, which organizes preventative and education programs. Likewise, NMU Public Safety features the Crime Prevention Unit, which administers “Rape Aggression Defense” courses and reaches out to community organizations in Marquette and the greater Upper Peninsula.”
NMU also appears in the top tier of best Midwest regional universities—placing in the top 112—in U.S. News and World Report’s 2015 edition of “Best Colleges.”