NMU Hosts Brain-Computer Interfaces Workshop

Thursday 1, 2015

A free workshop on the current and future applications of non-invasive and invasive Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) will be offered on Friday, Oct. 23, by Northern Michigan University’s psychology department and g.tec Guger Technologies Austria. The workshop will be held from 10 a.m. to about 4 p.m. at the NMU University Center.

Research groups worldwide have been working on BCIs, which provide a direct connection from the human brain to a computer. BCIs translate brain activity into control signals for a number of applications, including tools to help severely disabled users communicate and improve their quality of life. They have been used to restore movement, assess cognitive function and provide communication and environmental control.

During the workshop, presenters will demonstrate three major BCI approaches to motor imagery. Audience members will be invited to participate, providing real-world examples of modern BCI performance. They also will be able to see all of the required hardware and software and learn related procedures. Speakers are Mounia Ziat, director of the neuroscience program at NMU; Jane Huggins, director of the University of Michigan Direct Brain Interface Laboratory; and Cristopher Guger, chief executive officer of g.tec Guger Technologies.

Advance registration is required because space is limited. Contact Michaela Pichler at pichler@gtec.at or the NMU psychology department at (906)-227-2935.


Cassidy Hinshaw
Student Writer