Halloween Open House at NMU Permaculture Garden

Thursday 22, 2015

A Halloween-themed community open house will be held from noon to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 31, at the new Superior Acre Permaculture garden at Northern Michigan University. The event will feature pumpkin carving and face-painting activities, donuts, cider and coffee. Costumes are encouraged. The garden is located at the intersection of Summit and Longyear, a few blocks west of the Superior Dome.

Members of the NMU Earth, Environmental and Geographical Sciences Garden Club, along with Students 4 Sustainability, have organized the event. They will present information about the Superior Acre Permaculture (SAP) project and the progress that they have made this year in developing their idea.

The goal of the event is to introduce SAP to the public and to explain the purpose and goals of the permaculture site related to teaching, learning and community-building.

Kristi Evans
News Director