Athletic Training Students Win State Quiz Bowl

Wednesday 11, 2015

An NMU team won the quiz bowl event at the Michigan Athletic Trainers Society's Annual Student Educational Conference on Nov. 8. This was the first victory for NMU in the yearly competition. Fifteen state schools participate, including the University of Michigan and Michigan State. NMU's team will now represent Michigan in the Great Lakes Athletic Trainers' Association quiz bowl in March, competing against students from Minnesota, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana and Ohio. The NMU students are Duane Bair from Huntington, Ind., Tyler Hillstead of Rochester, Mich., and Justin Young of Ishpeming. Other athletic training students also attended the conference.

Kristi Evans
News Director

From left: Faculty members Julie Rochester and Maggy Moore (Health and Human Performance), students Tyler Hillstead, Duane Bair and Justin Young, and faculty member Chris Kirk