NMU Center Wins Award
The Northern Michigan University Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship and the Sam M. Cohodas Endowed Professorship won the U.P. Economic Development Alliance Non-Profit of the Year Award. The award was received for gathering and reporting community and economic data on the 15 U.P. counties.
According to UPEDA’s website, the Center for Economic Education and Entrepreneurship and Sam M. Cohodas Professor have been working since 2010 with UPEDA, business owners, corporate leaders, economic development offices, regional planning agencies and educational institutions to keep track of what is happening in U.P. communities and economies. The data helps monitor local economic conditions, identify trends, pinpoint new consumption, and provide market profiles for new, existing and prospective businesses. This saves investment opportunities across the Upper Peninsula.
The award was presented at Operation Action U.P.’s 52nd annual meeting.